首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >Postsecular spirituality, engaged hermeneutics, and Charles Taylor's notion of hypergoods

Postsecular spirituality, engaged hermeneutics, and Charles Taylor's notion of hypergoods




This essay sets out to argue that postsecular spirituality is about the quest for hypergoods within today's mass populist- and consumerist-oriented world. It shows that people who consider themselves to be spiritual not only have many values in their lives, but rank some values higher than others, with some being ranked as being of supreme importance, the so-called hypergoods. Such ethics has an interpersonal character, and in Christian circles this reopens the issue of biblical hermeneutics, especially the phenomenon of conflicting interpretations. Against the background of the various options of being religious in the secular age, the essay focuses on Charles Taylor's view of the discovery of spirituality in a posttheistic world and his emphasis on the love of God and the ethics of justice as hypergoods.
机译:本文旨在论证,世俗的灵性是关于在当今以大众为导向,以消费者为导向的大众世界中对超级物品的追求。它表明,认为自己是精神上的人不仅在生活中具有许多价值,而且在某些价值上的地位高于其他价值,其中一些价值至高无上,即所谓的超级物品。这种伦理具有人际交往的性质,在基督教界,这重新开启了圣经诠释学的问题,特别是解释矛盾的现象。在世俗时代有宗教信仰的各种选择的背景下,本文着眼于查尔斯·泰勒(Charles Taylor)关于在后神世界中发现灵性的观点,以及他对上帝的爱和作为超品的正义伦理的强调。



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