首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >Narratologiese ondersoek en eksegese van die boodskap van die evangelies

Narratologiese ondersoek en eksegese van die boodskap van die evangelies




Narratological investigation and exegesis of the message of the gospels This paper argues that the narrative structure of the gospels facilitates the communication of the Biblical message and that exegesis of this message therefore presupposes an assessment of the semantic implications revealed through an analysis of particular genre conventions utilized in the narration of Biblical material. The narrative structure of the gospels shows striking correspondences with basic narrative forms such as fairy tales, so that an analysis of the narrative material on the basic story level, rather than on the level of narrative presentation, seems appropriate. In fact, the correspondence between the levels of story and narrative (Genette 1980) ensures that the deep structure or story content is directly projected onto the surface structure of the narrative text, resulting in a clear communication of the Biblical message.
机译:福音信息的叙事学研究和释经本文认为,福音的叙事结构促进了圣经信息的交流,因此该信息的释义预设为对通过分析特定流派习惯所揭示的语义含义的评估。在圣经材料的叙述中。福音的叙事结构与童话等基本叙事形式有着惊人的对应关系,因此从基本故事层面而不是在叙事表现层面上对叙事材料进行分析似乎是适当的。实际上,故事和叙事层面之间的对应关系(Genette 1980)确保了将深层结构或故事内容直接投射到叙事文本的表面结构上,从而使圣经信息清晰地传达出来。



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