首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >‘To refer, not to characterise': A synchronic look at the Son-of-Man logia in the Sayings Gospel Q

‘To refer, not to characterise': A synchronic look at the Son-of-Man logia in the Sayings Gospel Q

机译:“参考而不是刻画”:与《 Sayings福音》 Q中的人子逻辑同步



The article intends to address the Son-of-Man problem by applying Delbert Burkett's ‘question of reference' to those Son-of-Man logia that appear in the Sayings Gospel Q. A position is taken that recent philological approaches to the Son-of-Man problem have not been overly convincing, successful or helpful. Similarly, attempting to determine the authenticity of individual Son-of-Man sayings has not led to any form of scholarly consensus. In place of these approaches, a synchronic approach is defended and applied to the Son-of-Man sayings in Q, with interesting results.
机译:本文旨在通过将德尔伯特·伯凯特(Delbert Burkett)的“参考问题”应用于出现在《俗语》 Q卷中的那些人子逻辑学来解决人子问题。有人认为,最近对人子学的语言学方法-人的问题并没有过分令人信服,成功或乐于助人。同样,试图确定个人儿子的说法的真实性也未导致任何形式的学术共识。代替这些方法,采用了一种共时方法,并将其应用于Q中的“人子”谚语,产生了有趣的结果。



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