首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >An African hermeneutic reading of Luke 9:18–22 in relation to conflict and leadership in pastoral ministry: The Cameroonian context

An African hermeneutic reading of Luke 9:18–22 in relation to conflict and leadership in pastoral ministry: The Cameroonian context




The practice of ministry is an intricate issue which involves the combination of individual efforts from diverse backgrounds. This diversity has been a breeding ground for conflict between the clergy and all the stakeholders involved in parish administration. This article attempted to highlight some of these conflicts, using the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon as a case study. The approach employed is an African hermeneutic reading of Luke 9:18–22 in which the clergy's leadership has been likened to that of Jesus. The presence of many distracting agents did not perturb Jesus' ministry instead, he remained focused. Conclusively, it is observed that the clergy often face conflict within the ministry because they ignore the fact that (1) they are expected to know their mission better than anyone else; (2) the diverse backgrounds of their followers are potential causes of conflict; and (3) there are several distracting agents within the ministry. In short, Jesus' model of conflict management is recommended to the clergy for an effective pastoral ministry.
机译:事工的实践是一个复杂的问题,涉及来自不同背景的个人努力的结合。这种多样性一直是神职人员与参与教区管理的所有利益相关者之间发生冲突的温床。本文试图以喀麦隆的长老会教堂为案例研究来强调其中一些冲突。所采用的方法是对路加福音9:18-22的非洲解释学解读,其中神职人员的领导被比喻为耶稣的领导。许多分散注意力的人的存在并没有干扰耶稣的事工,相反,他保持专注。结论是,人们发现神职人员经常在部内面临冲突,因为他们无视以下事实:(1)他们比其他人更了解自己的使命; (2)追随者的背景不同是冲突的潜在原因; (3)该部内有几种分散注意力的因素。简而言之,向神职人员推荐耶稣的冲突管理模式以建立有效的牧师。



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