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Canon, intertextuality and history in Nehemiah 7:72b–10:40




The forming of the Hebrew Bible can be depicted as an ongoing movement from traditum to traditio. Several parallel and interactive phenomena contributed to this process. One of these was intertextuality, which played a major role in the process. This article indicates that intertextuality was not restricted to mere quotations or the recycling of existing traditum, but also included dialogue with older genres and existing ideological patterns. Aesthetic and polylogic intertextuality are shown to have been part of this process of inner-biblical exegesis. These two aspects of intertextuality are demonstrated in a discussion of the narrative in Nehemiah 7:72b. Aggadic exegesis linked to aesthetic intertextuality is found in several places in this passage. Polylogic intertextuality can be seen in the use of the Gattungen of Historical Review and Penitential Prayer in Nehemiah 9:1–37. These are linked to a Sitz im Leben during the fifth century BCE when an endeavour was made to find a new identity for the Judaeans.
机译:希伯来圣经的形成可以描述为从传统到传统的持续运动。几种并行和互动的现象促成了这一过程。其中之一是互文性,它在此过程中发挥了重要作用。本文指出,互文性不仅限于报价单或现有传统的回收,还包括与较旧类型和现有意识形态模式的对话。审美和多元论互文性已被证明是内在圣经诠释过程的一部分。在尼希米记7:72b中对叙述的讨论中证明了互文性的这两个方面。在这段经文的多个地方都发现了与美学互文性相关的AgAgdic释经法。可以从《尼希米记》 9:1-37中使用的《历史评论加藤》和《悔罪祈祷》中看到多元的互文性。这些与公元前五世纪的莱本(Sitz im Leben)有联系,当时人们努力寻找犹太人的新身份。



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