首页> 外文期刊>Trends in Hearing >Validation of the Swedish Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (Screening Version) and Evaluation of Its Effect in Hearing Aid Rehabilitation

Validation of the Swedish Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (Screening Version) and Evaluation of Its Effect in Hearing Aid Rehabilitation




Self-reports of subjective hearing difficulties by people with hearing loss may be a useful complement to audiometry in hearing aid rehabilitation. To be useful, such self-reports need to be reliable. This study investigated the reliability and the validity of the Swedish Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (Screening Version; HHIE-S). Sixty-nine participants completed a questionnaire before hearing aid rehabilitation. Of these individuals, 49 completed hearing aid rehabilitation (aged between 23 and 94 years), and 41 of these 49 participants completed the questionnaire after completing the rehabilitation. The Swedish HHIE-S exhibited good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .77). The questionnaire was effective for evaluating hearing aid rehabilitation, and a statistically significant reduction in hearing difficulties was observed. The clinicians found the questionnaire easy to administer and effective in hearing aid rehabilitation. The findings from the study support the use of the HHIE-S in clinical practice.
机译:失聪者自我报告主观听力障碍可能是听力测定中助听器的有用补充。为了有用,这种自我报告必须可靠。这项研究调查了瑞典老年人听力障碍清单(筛查版本; HHIE-S)的可靠性和有效性。 69名参与者在助听器康复之前完成了一份问卷。在这些人中,有49位完成了助听器康复(年龄在23至94岁之间),这49位参与者中有41位在完成康复后完成了问卷调查。瑞典的HHIE-S具有良好的内部一致性(Cronbach的alpha系数为0.77)。该问卷有效地评估了助听器的康复情况,并在统计学上显着降低了听力障碍。临床医生发现该问卷易于管理,并且对助听器康复有效。该研究的发现支持HHIE-S在临床实践中的使用。



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