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Drinking and Cleaning Water Use in a Dairy Cow Barn




Water is used in dairy farming for producing feed, watering the animals, and cleaning and disinfecting barns and equipment. The objective of this study was to investigate the drinking and cleaning water use in a dairy cow barn. The water use was measured on a well-managed commercial dairy farm in North-East Germany. Thirty-eight water meters were installed in a barn with 176 cows and two milking systems (an automatic milking system and a herringbone parlour). Their counts were logged hourly over 806 days. On average, the cows in the automatic milking system used 91.1 (SD 14.3) L drinking water per cow per day, while those in the herringbone parlour used 54.4 (SD 5.3) L per cow per day. The cows drink most of the water during the hours of (natural and artificial) light in the barn. Previously published regression functions of drinking water intake of the cows were reviewed and a new regression function based on the ambient temperature and the milk yield was developed (drinking water intake (L per cow per day) = ?27.937 + 0.49 × mean temperature + 3.15 × milk yield ( R 2 = 0.67)). The cleaning water demand had a mean of 28.6 (SD 14.8) L per cow per day in the automatic milking system, and a mean of 33.8 (SD 14.1) L per cow per day in the herringbone parlour. These findings show that the total technical water use in the barn makes only a minor contribution to water use in dairy farming compared with the water use for feed production.
机译:水用于奶牛场生产饲料,给动物浇水以及清洁和消毒谷仓和设备。这项研究的目的是调查奶牛舍的饮用水和清洁用水。用水量是在德国东北部一个管理完善的商业奶牛场中测得的。 38个水表安装在装有176头奶牛和两个挤奶系统(自动挤奶系统和人字形客厅)的谷仓中。在806天内每小时记录一次他们的计数。平均而言,自动挤奶系统中的母牛每天每头母牛使用91.1(SD 14.3)L的饮用水,而人字形客厅中的母牛每天每头母牛使用54.4(SD 5.3)L的饮用水。牛在谷仓中(自然和人工)光照的时间里会消耗大部分的水。审查了以前发布的奶牛饮水量回归函数,并开发了基于环境温度和产奶量的新回归函数(饮用水摄入量(每头奶牛每天L)=?27.937 + 0.49×平均温度+ 3.15 ×产奶量(R 2 = 0.67)。在自动挤奶系统中,每头母牛每天的清洁水需求量平均为28.6(SD 14.8)L,而在人字形车间中,每头母牛每天的清洁水需求量平均为33.8(SD 14.1)L。这些发现表明,与饲料生产用水相比,谷仓中的技术用水总量仅对奶牛养殖用水中的贡献很小。



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