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Variability in the Responsiveness to Low-Dose Aspirin: Pharmacological and Disease-Related Mechanisms




The main pharmacological aspects of pharmacodynamics (PD) and pharmacokinetics (PK) of aspirin as antiplatelet agent were unravelled between the late sixties and the eighties, and low-dose aspirin given once daily has been shown to be a mainstay in the current treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disorders. Nevertheless, several PD and PK aspects of aspirin in selected clinical conditions have recently emerged and deserve future clinical attention. In 1994, the term “aspirin resistance” was used for the first time, but, until now, no consensus exists on definition, standardized assay, underlying mechanisms, clinical impact, and possible efficacy of alternative therapeutic interventions. At variance with an undefined aspirin-resistant status, in the last 5 years, the concept of variability in response to aspirin due to specific pathophysiological mechanisms and based on PK and/or PD of the drug has emerged. This growing evidence highlights the existence and possible clinical relevance of an interindividual variability of pharmacological aspirin response and calls for new, large studies to test new low-dose aspirin-based regimens which may ameliorate platelet acetylation, reduce variability in drug responsiveness, and improve clinical efficacy on selected populations.
机译:阿司匹林作为抗血小板药的药效学(PD)和药代动力学(PK)的主要药理学方面在六十年代末至八十年代之间已被阐明,每天一次低剂量的阿司匹林已被证明是当前治疗和预防的中流tay柱心血管疾病。然而,最近在选定的临床条件下出现了阿司匹林的几个PD和PK方面,值得未来临床关注。 1994年,首次使用了“阿司匹林抗药性”一词,但直到现在,在定义,标准化测定,潜在机制,临床影响以及替代治疗干预措施的可能功效方面尚未达成共识。在最近的5年中,由于阿司匹林耐药状态的不确定性,出现了因特定的病理生理机制和基于药物的PK和/或PD而对阿司匹林反应的变异性的概念。越来越多的证据突显了阿司匹林药理学反应个体差异的存在及其可能的临床意义,并呼吁进行新的大型研究以测试基于低剂量阿司匹林的新疗法,这些疗法可改善血小板乙酰化,降低药物反应性的变异性并改善临床对特定人群的疗效。



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