首页> 外文期刊>Tobacco Prevention and Cessation >Higher quality quit-date goal setting enhances quit attempts among quitline callers

Higher quality quit-date goal setting enhances quit attempts among quitline callers




Introduction:At tobacco quitlines, coaching and cessation medications are commonly structured around setting a date for making a quit attempt. However, limited literature evaluating this practice suggests that callers do not routinely set quit-date goals. High quality goal setting may increase the frequency of caller quit attempts. In this study, we examine the quality of quit-date goal setting and its association with in-program quit attempts and the timing of callers’ first quit attempt.Methods:Using call recordings, we scored the quality of quit-date goal setting among 90 callers enrolled at Arizona Smokers’ Helpline between August and December 2017. The primary exposure was quality of quit-date goal setting assessed using the Lorencatto et al. rating scale. Coding reliability was assessed using Cohen’s kappa. Multivariable logistic regression was used to examine the association between quality of goal setting and in-program quit attempts (24 h tobacco free).Results:The mean quality goal setting score was 3.1 (range: -3 to 7). Sixty-nine callers (77%) set a quit date and 39 (43%) made a quit attempt. Compared to callers who experienced low-quality goal setting, the adjusted odds of in-program quitting for high quality goal setting was AOR=3.98 (95% CI: 1.55–10.20) and for making a quit attempt within two weeks OR=6.23 (95% CI: 1.52–25.49).Conclusions:Quit-date goal setting is an important element of quitline services and callers benefit from high quality quit-date goal setting. Quitlines should establish quality improvement measures to ensure that coaches are trained to provide high quality quit-date goal setting opportunities to all callers.
机译:简介:在戒烟过程中,教练和戒烟药物通常围绕设定戒烟日期而设计。但是,评估这种做法的有限文献表明,呼叫者没有定期设定退出日期目标。高质量的目标设置可能会增加呼叫者退出尝试的频率。在这项研究中,我们研究了退出日期目标设定的质量及其与程序内退出尝试的关联以及呼叫者首次退出尝试的时间。方法:使用通话记录,我们对退出日期目标设定的质量进行了评分2017年8月至2017年12月之间,有90个呼叫者登记在亚利桑那州吸烟者服务热线。主要暴露对象是使用Lorencatto等人评估的戒烟目标设定质量。评分量表。使用Cohen的kappa评估了编码的可靠性。多变量logistic回归用于检验目标设定质量与程序内戒烟尝试(> 24小时无烟)之间的关联。结果:目标设定质量的平均得分为3.1(范围:-3至7)。 69位呼叫者(77%)设置了退出日期,39位呼叫者(43%)尝试退出。与经历过低质量目标设定的呼叫者相比,高质量目标设定的程序内退出的调整后机率是AOR = 3.98(95%CI:1.55–10.20)且两周内尝试退出的机会OR = 6.23( 95%CI:1.52–25.49)。结论:戒烟目标设定是戒烟服务的重要组成部分,呼叫者会从高质量戒烟目标设定中受益。戒烟热线应建立质量改进措施,以确保培训教练为所有呼叫者提供高质量的戒烟日期目标设定机会。



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