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Association Mapping Reveals Novel Stem Rust Resistance Loci in Durum Wheat at the Seedling Stage




Wheat stem rust rapidly evolves new virulence to resistance genes. Recently emerged races in East Africa, such as TTKSK (or Ug99), possess broad virulence to durum cultivars, and only a limited number of genes provide resistance. An association mapping (AM) study conducted on 183 durum wheat accessions has allowed us to identify 41 quantitative trait loci (QTLs; determination coefficient [R2] values from 1.1 to 23.1%) for seedling resistance to one or more of four highly virulent stem rust races: TRTTF, TTTTF, TTKSK (Ug99), and JRCQC, two of which (TRTTF and JRCQC) were isolated from Ethiopia. Among these loci, 24 are novel, while the remaining 17 overlapped with loci previously shown to provide field resistance in Ethiopia and/or chromosome regions known to harbor designated stem rust resistance designated loci (Sr). The identified loci were either effective against multiple races or race specific, particularly for race JRCQC. Our results highlight that stem rust resistance in durum wheat is governed in part by loci for resistance across multiple races, and in part by race-specific ones (23 and 18, respectively). Collectively, these results provide useful information to improve the effectiveness of marker-assisted selection towards the release of durum wheat cultivars with durable stem rust resistance.
机译:小麦茎锈病会迅速发展出新的抗性基因毒力。东非最近出现的种族,例如TTKSK(或Ug99),对硬粒小麦品种具有广泛的毒力,只有有限数量的基因提供抗性。对183个硬质小麦品种的关联作图(AM)研究使我们能够鉴定41个数量性状基因座(QTL;确定系数[R 2 ]值从1.1%到23.1%),从而确定幼苗对一种小麦的抗性四个高毒茎锈菌种中的一个或多个:TRTTF,TTTTF,TTKSK(Ug99)和JRCQC,其中两个(TRTTF和JRCQC)是从埃塞俄比亚分离出来的。在这些基因座中,有24个是新颖的,而其余的17个基因座与先前显示的在埃塞俄比亚和/或已知具有指定茎杆锈病抗性指定基因座(Sr)的染色体区域提供抗药性的基因座重叠。所确定的基因座对多种族或特定种族均有效,特别是对于JRCQC种族而言。我们的结果强调,硬质小麦的茎锈病抗性部分受多个种族的抗性位点支配,部分受特定种族的抗性支配(分别为23和18)。总的来说,这些结果提供了有用的信息,以提高标记辅助选择对具有持久抗茎锈病性的硬粒小麦品种释放的有效性。



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