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Cosegregates with QTL for Resistance to in Pepper ()




A major problem for the pepper (Capsicum annuum) industry is the root rot disease caused by Phytophthora capsici (Pc), to which all commercial varieties suffer yield losses despite good management practices and available landraces with high levels of resistance. A high-density map with 3887 markers was generated in a set of recombinant inbred lines (RIL) derived from the highly resistant Capsicum annuum accession Criollo de Morelos-334 and Early Jalape?o. These lines have been systematically screened for Pc resistance against a set of isolates collected from Mexico, New Mexico, New Jersey, California, Michigan and Tennessee. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with effective resistance across isolates have been identified and validated with SNP markers across additional segregating populations. By leveraging transcriptomic and genomic information, we describe CaDMR1, a homoserine kinase (HSK), as a candidate gene responsible for the major QTL on chromosome P5 for resistance to Pc. SNP markers for the resistant allele were validated to facilitate gene pyramiding schemes for recurrent selection in pepper.
机译:辣椒(Capsicum annuum)工业的一个主要问题是由辣椒疫霉(Pytophthora capsici(Pc))引起的根腐病,尽管良好的管理规范和可获得的具有高水平抗性的地方品种,所有商品品种均遭受该病的损失。在一组高度自交的辣椒年度登录号Criollo de Morelos-334和Early Jalape?衍生的重组自交系(RIL)中,生成了带有3887个标记的高密度图。已针对来自墨西哥,新墨西哥州,新泽西州,加利福尼亚州,密歇根州和田纳西州的一组分离株,对这些品系的PC抗性进行了系统筛选。与跨分离株的有效抗性相关的定量性状基因座(QTL)已被鉴定,并已通过其他分离群体中的SNP标记进行了验证。通过利用转录组学和基因组信息,我们将高丝氨酸激酶(HSK)CaDMR1描述为负责P5染色体对Pc耐药的主要QTL的候选基因。验证了抗性等位基因的SNP标记可促进辣椒中反复选择的基因金字塔计划。



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