首页> 外文期刊>The Open Pain Journal >Sensitisation of Nociceptors – What are Ion Channels Doing?

Sensitisation of Nociceptors – What are Ion Channels Doing?




Nociceptors are peripheral sensory neurones which respond to painful (noxious) stimuli. The terminals ofnociceptors, which have a high threshold to stimulation in their native state, undergo a process known as sensitisation, orlowering of threshold, following injury or inflammation. Amongst sensory receptors, sensitisation is a property unique tonociceptors. A shift in the stimulus-response function of nociceptors renders them more sensitive, resulting in both areduction in the activation threshold, such that previously non-noxious stimuli are perceived as noxious (allodynia) andan increased response to suprathreshold stimuli (hyperalgesia). Sensitisation protects us from harm and is essential forsurvival, but it can be disabling in conditions of chronic inflammation. This review focuses on three stages insensitisation: 1) Inflammatory mediators, which are released from damaged resident cells and from others that invade inresponse to inflammation, and include bradykinin, prostaglandins, serotonin, low pH, ATP, neurotrophins, nitric oxideand cytokines; 2) Intracellular signalling molecules which are important in transmitting the actions of inflammatorymediators and include protein kinase A and C, Src kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinases and the membrane lipid PIP2;and 3) Ion channel targets of intracellular signalling which ultimately cause sensitisation and include the temperaturesensitivetransient receptor potential channels, acid-sensitive ion channels, purinoceptor-gated channels, and the voltagesensitivesodium, potassium, calcium and HCN channels.
机译:伤害感受器是对疼痛(有害)刺激作出反应的周围感觉神经元。伤害感受器的末端在其原始状态下具有较高的刺激阈值,在受伤或发炎后会经历称为致敏或阈值降低的过程。在感觉感受器中,敏化是独特的伤害感受器。伤害感受器的刺激反应功能的转变使它们更加敏感,从而导致激活阈值降低,从而使以前的非有害刺激被视为有害(异常性疼痛),并且对阈上刺激的反应增强(痛觉过敏)。敏化保护我们免受伤害,并且是生存必不可少的,但在慢性炎症的情况下可能会致残。这篇综述集中在不敏感的三个阶段:1)炎性介质,其从受损的常驻细胞和侵袭炎症反应的其他物质中释放,包括缓激肽,前列腺素,5-羟色胺,低pH,ATP,神经营养蛋白,一氧化氮和细胞因子; 2)对传递炎症介质的作用很重要的细胞内信号分子,包括蛋白激酶A和C,Src激酶,促分裂原激活的蛋白激酶和膜脂质PIP2;和3)细胞内信号传导的离子通道靶标,最终导致敏化和包括温度敏感瞬态受体电位通道,酸敏感离子通道,嘌呤受体门控通道以及电压敏感钠,钾,钙和HCN通道。



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