首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Functional and Logic Programming >Metatheoretic Results for a Modal lambda-Calculus

Metatheoretic Results for a Modal lambda-Calculus




This paper presents the proofs of the strong normalization, subjectreduction, and Church-Rosser theorems for a presentation of theintuitionistic modal lambda-calculus S4. It is adapted fromHealfdene Goguen's thesis, where these properties are shown for thesimply typed lambda-calculus and for Luo's type theory UTT. Following this method, weintroduce the notion of typed operational semantics for our system. Wedefine a notion of typed substitution for our system, which has contextstacks instead of the usual contexts. This latter peculiarity leads to themain difficulties and consequently to the main original features inour proofs. The techniques elaborated in this work have already been found useful in recent works [DesLel98,DesLel99] and should be further exploited to prove the properties of other systems based on modality.
机译:本文介绍了强归一化,主题归约和Church-Rosser定理的证明,用于介绍直觉模态Lambda微积分S4。它是根据Healfdene Goguen的论文改编而成的,这些特性针对简单类型的lambda微积分和Luo的类型理论UTT进行了显示。遵循这种方法,我们为我们的系统引入了类型化操作语义的概念。我们为系统定义类型替换的概念,该类型具有上下文堆栈而不是通常的上下文。后者的特殊性导致主要困难,并因此导致我们的证明的主要原始特征。这项工作中阐述的技术已经在最近的工作中发现有用[DesLel98,DesLel99],应该进一步加以利用以证明基于模态的其他系统的特性。



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