
Arrow Shot Injury To The Neck




Arrow shot injuries are fairly common during harvesting period in northern Nigeria as a result of clashes between cattle rearers and farmers, whose farms are located close to the grazing areas demarcated by states in northern Nigeria.The federal medical center Nguru is the only tertiary referral center in Yobe state and the neighboring communities. Accidental arrow shot injuries among nomads are rare. This report presents a 15 year – old boy who was accidentally shot in the neck with an arrow by a nomadic youth while playing. He was promptly referred to a tertiary centre where the arrow was successfully removed. Introduction Arrow shot injuries are fairly common during harvesting period in northern Nigeria as a result of clashes between cattle rearers and farmers, whose farms are located close to the grazing areas demarcated by states in northern Nigeria.The federal medical center Nguru is the only tertiary referral center in Yobe state and the neighboring communities.Accidental arrow shot injuries among nomads are rare. This report presents a 15 year – old boy who was accidentally shot in the neck with an arrow by a nomadic youth while playing. He was promptly referred to a tertiary centre where the arrow was successfully removed. Case Report A 15 year- old nomadic boy was hit by an arrow that was shot randomly by some nomadic youths in a suburb of Gashua, in Bade Local Government area, Yobe State, Nigeria, while celebrating one of their annual festivals. The arrow was impacted on the right side of the neck with profuse bleeding which was controlled with pressure packs at the village health centre. He was then referred to federal medical centre (FMC) Nguru, where he presented with impacted arrow on the right side of the neck, with difficulty and pain on swallowing, but no difficulty in breathing, the voice was muffled. No loss of consciousness, No weakness of the limbs. Examination revealed a conscious young boy mildly pale afebrile to touch (Temp 37°C) respiratory rate of 22 beats/minutes and blood pressure of 110/75 mmHg.An arrow was impacted on the right side of the neck (Fig1and 2) about midway between mastoid antrum and munubrium sterni, with marked tenderness at the point of entry and subcutaneous emphysema. His chest was clinically clear, Abdominal and central nervous system examinations were essentially normal. Antero-posterior and lateral X-ray of the soft tissue of the neck showed a long metallic foreign body in the neck traversing the right side of the neck at the level of the larynx and third cervical vertebra (fig3 and 4) complete blood count revealed a packed cell volume of 35% and other parameters are within normal limits, blood chemistry were within normal limits.
机译:由于养牛者和农民之间的冲突,在尼日利亚北部的收割期箭伤很常见,他们的农场位于尼日利亚北部各州划定的放牧区附近。联邦医疗中心Nguru是唯一的三级转诊中心在Yobe州和邻近社区。游牧民族中偶然的箭击伤害是罕见的。该报告显示了一个15岁的男孩,他在游玩时被游牧青年意外地用箭射中了脖子。他被迅速转至第三中心,在那里箭被成功移走。引言在尼日利亚北部,由于牛饲养者和农民之间的冲突,箭击伤是相当普遍的,因为他们的农场位于尼日利亚北部各州划定的放牧区附近。联邦医疗中心Nguru是唯一的第三级转诊游牧民中偶发的箭伤是罕见的。该报告显示了一个15岁的男孩,他在游玩时被游牧青年意外地用箭射中了脖子。他被迅速转至第三中心,在那里箭被成功移走。病例报告一名15岁的游牧男孩在庆祝其年度节日之一的同时,被尼日利亚尤德州巴德地方政府地区加斯瓦郊区的一些游牧青年随机射中的一支箭击中。箭头打在脖子的右侧,有大量出血,该出血在乡村卫生中心通过压力袋控制。然后,他被转诊至Nguru联邦医疗中心(FMC),在那儿,他的脖子右侧出现了受感染的箭头,吞咽时有困难和疼痛,但呼吸没有困难,声音被抑制了。没有意识丧失,没有四肢无力。检查发现一个有意识的小男孩轻度发烧(37°C),呼吸频率为22次/分钟,血压为110/75 mmHg,中途大约有一条箭头撞到了脖子的右侧(图1和2)。在乳突窦和粘膜胸膜之间,在进入点和皮下气肿时有明显的压痛。临床上他的胸部清晰,腹部和中枢神经系统检查基本正常。颈部软组织的前后和侧面X射线检查显示,颈部中有一个长的金属异物横穿颈部右侧,位于喉和第三颈椎的水平(图3和4),显示全血细胞计数填充细胞体积为35%,其他参数在正常范围内,血液化学在正常范围内。



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