首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Pathology >Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency Initially Presenting in an Adult Surgical Patient: A Case Report and Review of Current Understanding of Disease Process

Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency Initially Presenting in an Adult Surgical Patient: A Case Report and Review of Current Understanding of Disease Process




Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) is one of several serpin molecules which functions to balance the action of various endogenous proteolytic enzymes. A deficiency of functional levels of this enzyme is most commonly inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion. Greater than 95% of AAT-deficient persons are homozygous for the non-functional Z-variant of the enzyme. ZZ-homozygosity is relatively common, affecting 1 in 2500 persons of northern European decent. Known complications of AAT-deficiency include early-onset emphysema, childhood liver disease, cirrhosis, and increased incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma1. Although AAT-deficiency is frequently diagnosed in early childhood, it is not uncommon for persons to go undiagnosed for many years until otherwise unexplained lung or liver disease become evident. We report a case of AAT-deficiency in a 44-year-old female which became evident post-operatively after unexplained, uncontrollable ascites and respiratory failure. Introduction Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) is produced primarily in hepatocytes and functions to counteract neutrophil elastase and various other proteolytic enzymes in the lung. The discovery of early emphysematous changes in young, non-smoking individuals and subsequent elucidation of the disease process served as the foundation of the protease-protease-inhibitor theory of chronic lung disease. The normal M-variant of the AAT protein is encoded for on chromosome 14q and undergoes post-translational modification within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of hepatocytes before being released into the serum. The functional molecule consists of a mobile reactive center loop and a β-pleated sheet. These sites serve as a decoy substrate for protease binding. After cleavage by the protease, AAT undergoes a conformational change which disrupts the catalytic site of the protease, thus rendering it inactive2,3,4,5. The most common manifestation of AAT-deficiency occurs in individuals homozygous for the Z-variant of the AAT gene. This mutation causes a single amino acid substitution which alters the secondary and tertiary structure of the normal β-pleated sheet-reactive center interaction. The Z form of AAT allows for insertion of the reactive loop of one molecule into the β-sheet of another. This process may be repeated ad infinitum resulting in large polymers of Z-AAT. These polymers are too large to be transported out of the ER and result in intracytoplasmic, PAS-positive inclusions which are classically seen in the hepatocytes of AAT-deficient patients6. In addition to being largely secluded and subsequently degraded within hepatocytes, Z-AAT protein which does reach the serum has approximately half the functionality of the wild-type M-AAT7. Approximately 85% of the Z-AAT produced in homozygous individuals remains within the ER of hepatocytes8. The exact mechanism by which the these polymer-inclusions cause liver dysfunction is not well understood.Liver dysfunction in AAT-deficiency frequently becomes evident early in life and may present as persistently elevated bilirubin and transaminase levels. Of these AAT-deficient neonates with evidence of liver injury, population-based studies show that 80% will show only mild evidence of hepatic disease which typically resolves in late adolescence. The remaining 20% will experience more severe liver disease and many patients from this cohort require early liver transplantation9. Still, other patients will show virtually normal liver function throughout childhood and develop liver injury later in life. What eventually tips the balance and causes manifestations of liver disease in these patients remains largely undiscovered, although various environmental factors and physiologic stressors have been implicated10, 12-16. Case Report The patient was a 44-year-old female with a past medical history significant for gastric bypass complicated by the development of volvulus and subsequent necrotic bowel leading to small bowel resection 3 months prior to
机译:α-1-抗胰蛋白酶(AAT)是几种丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂分子之一,其功能是平衡各种内源蛋白水解酶的作用。该酶功能水平的缺乏最常以常染色体隐性方式遗传。超过95%的AAT缺乏者对酶的非功能性Z变体纯合。 ZZ同质性相对普遍,影响北欧体面的2500人中的1人。 AAT缺乏的已知并发症包括早期发作的肺气肿,儿童肝病,肝硬化和肝细胞癌的发生率增加1。尽管经常在儿童早期诊断出AAT缺乏症,但很多年来人们一直没有被诊断出AAT缺乏症,直到无法解释的肺或肝病变得明显。我们报告了一名44岁女性的AAT缺乏症病例,该病例在原因不明,无法控制的腹水和呼吸衰竭后在手术后变得明显。简介α-1-抗胰蛋白酶(AAT)主要在肝细胞中产生,并具有抵抗肺中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶和各种其他蛋白水解酶的作用。在年轻的非吸烟个体中早期气肿的发现以及随后对疾病过程的阐明为慢性肺病的蛋白酶-蛋白酶抑制剂理论奠定了基础。 AAT蛋白的正常M变体在14q染色体上编码,并在释放到血清中之前在肝细胞内质网(ER)中进行翻译后修饰。功能分子由可移动的反应性中心环和β折叠片组成。这些位点充当蛋白酶结合的诱饵底物。在被蛋白酶切割后,AAT发生构象变化,这会破坏蛋白酶的催化位点,从而使其失去活性2、3、4、5。 AAT缺陷最常见的表现是AAT基因Z变异纯合的个体。该突变引起单个氨基酸取代,其改变了正常的β-折叠的片-反应性中心相互作用的二级和三级结构。 AAT的Z形式允许一个分子的反应环插入另一个分子的β-折叠。无限期地可以重复该过程,从而得到大的Z-AAT聚合物。这些聚合物太大而无法运出ER,并导致胞质内PAS阳性内含物,这在AAT缺陷患者的肝细胞中是常见的现象6。除了在肝细胞中被大量隔离和随后降解外,到达血清的Z-AAT蛋白的功能大约是野生型M-AAT7的一半。在纯合子个体中产生的Z-AAT约有85%保留在肝细胞的ER中。这些聚合物包涵体引起肝功能障碍的确切机制尚不完全清楚。AAT缺乏症中的肝功能障碍在生命早期常常很明显,并且可能表现为持续升高的胆红素和转氨酶水平。在这些具有肝损伤迹象的AAT缺陷新生儿中,基于人群的研究表明,80%的人仅会显示出轻度的肝病证据,通常会在青春期晚期消退。剩下的20%的人将患上更严重的肝病,并且该队列中的许多患者需要早期肝移植9。尽管如此,其他患者在整个儿童时期仍将表现出正常的肝功能,并在以后的生活中发展为肝损伤。尽管涉及各种环境因素和生理应激因素,但最终提示这些患者达到肝脏疾病平衡和导致肝脏疾病表现的因素仍未发现10、12-16。病例报告该患者是一名44岁的女性,既往有病史,因胃搭桥术并发肠扭转和坏死性肠,导致在手术前3个月进行小肠切除,具有重要的病史。



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