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Inter Relationship Between Obesity And Periodontal Disease?




Obesity is a multifaceted subject. It has increased at an alarming rate in recent years. Being overweight increases health and social problems, which may affect dental services and dental management. A review of the literature on obesity and periodontal disease suggested that they both confound each other, and obesity itself has been recognized as a major risk factor for periodontal disease. It has been found that adverse effects of obesity on periodontium may be mediated through pro-inflammation cytokines and various other bioactive substances. This article focuses on the possible role of obesity as a potential contributor to periodontal disease and vice-versa. The outcome of these associations can be used for various diagnostic and treatment planning purposes. Introduction The global obesity epidemic has been described by the world health organization (2000) as the most neglected public health problem that threatens to overwhelm both more and less developed countries (1). The etiology of obesity represents a complex interaction of genetics, diet, metabolism and physical activity levels. In addition to consumption of high energy food, physical activity is a key factor in the energy balance equation. Obesity is a multisystem condition and a significant contributor to the development of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Besides these risk factors, obesity has also been suggested to be a risk factor for periodontitis, which is a disease of the supporting structures of teeth resulting from the interaction between pathogenic bacteria and the host immune response (5). Definition Of Obesity Obesity occurs when the size and number of fat cells in a person's body increase. A normal person has 30-35 billion fat cells. When a person gains weight, these fat cells first increase in size and later in number. The WHO defines obesity as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health and classifies obesity as a chronic disease (1). According to the NIHS, a person is considered obese if the BMI of the person is above 30. Prevalence Of Obesity Being overweight and obesity are 2 major health hazards in today’s world: according to the WHO, one billion people were overweight in 2005, and the number will be 1.5 billion by the year 2015. The prevalence of obese and overweight people has doubled in number between 1960-1990. In 2004, approximately 34.1% of the U.S. population was overweight, and about 32.2% obese. In 2008, 32% of women and 42% men above the age of 16 were obese in the U.K. The prevalence of periodontal disease is 76% higher among young obese individuals aged 18-34 years than in normal weight individuals, (7) and being overweight is associated with an increased risk of periodontitis among those aged 17-21 years (8). Evaluation of obesityObesity is usually evaluated by calculating Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circumference, waist-hip ratio and fat percentage. Other methods of measuring obesity include the use of ultrasound, densitometry or imaging procedures (Computed Tomography, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, but these methods vary in reliability and require expensive equipment and staff training (1).Body Mass Index: It is also known as the Quetelet index, and is the ratio of body weight (in kg) to height (in meters) squared. It is easy to calculate and is considered more appropriate than simple weighing (1).
机译:肥胖是一个多方面的主题。近年来,它以惊人的速度增长。超重会增加健康和社会问题,这可能会影响牙科服务和牙科管理。对肥胖症和牙周疾病文献的回顾表明,它们相互混淆,肥胖本身已被认为是牙周疾病的主要危险因素。已经发现肥胖对牙周的不利影响可以通过促炎细胞因子和各种其他生物活性物质来介导。本文着重探讨肥胖可能是导致牙周疾病的潜在因素,反之亦然。这些关联的结果可用于各种诊断和治疗计划目的。引言世界卫生组织(2000年)将全球肥胖病流行描述为最被忽视的公共卫生问题,有可能使不发达国家和不发达国家(1)不堪重负。肥胖的病因代表了遗传学,饮食,代谢和身体活动水平之间的复杂相互作用。除了食用高能量食品外,体育锻炼也是能量平衡方程式中的关键因素。肥胖是多系统疾病,并且是高血压,糖尿病,动脉硬化以及心血管和脑血管疾病发展的重要因素。除了这些危险因素外,肥胖也被认为是牙周炎的危险因素,牙周炎是由病原菌与宿主免疫反应之间相互作用引起的牙齿支撑结构疾病(5)。肥胖的定义当人体内脂肪细胞的大小和数量增加时,就会发生肥胖。正常人的脂肪细胞为30-350亿。当一个人体重增加时,这些脂肪细胞会先增加大小,然后再增加数量。 WHO将肥胖定义为可能损害健康的异常或过多的脂肪积聚,并将肥胖归类为慢性疾病(1)。根据NIHS,如果该人的BMI超过30,则该人被认为是肥胖。肥胖的流行超重和肥胖是当今世界的两大健康危害:根据WHO的数据,2005年有10亿超重。到2015年,这一数字将达到15亿。肥胖和超重人群的患病率在1960年至1990年之间翻了一番。 2004年,约34.1%的美国人口超重,约32.2%的肥胖。在2008年,英国32%的16岁以上女性和42%的男性肥胖。年龄在18-34岁之间的年轻肥胖人群中,牙周疾病的患病率比正常体重人群高76%(7),并且超重与17-21岁年龄段的人患牙周炎的风险增加相关(8)。肥胖的评估肥胖通常通过计算体重指数(BMI),腰围,腰臀比和脂肪百分比来评估。其他测量肥胖的方法包括使用超声波,光密度法或成像程序(计算机断层扫描,核磁共振)和双能X线骨密度仪,但这些方法的可靠性各不相同,需要昂贵的设备和人员培训(1)。指数:也称为克托莱特指数,是体重(公斤)与身高(米)的平方之比。它很容易计算,并且比简单称量(1)更合适。



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