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Basic Facts About HIV And AIDS




This a basic report on the current status of acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS/HIV. It deals with the current status of this horrible disease. It defines the basic information and terminology and lists the method of management for non medical readers. This report would give the reader the primer to understand this disease. The Epidemiological Background The epidemiology and burden of HIV in the developing world had two distinct viruses. HIV types 1 and 2 (HIV-1/HIV-2) cause AIDS. HIV-1 is responsible for the great majority of infections globally. The life cycle of the virus can be viewed at web link http://www.aids.org/factSheets/400-HIV-Life-Cycle.html While HIV-2 is very rare outside West Africa, individual cases of HIV-2 infection have been described in other parts of Africa, Europe, the Americas, and Asia (India), but most people with HIV-2 infection have some epidemiological link to West Africa. Several reports published by international health agencies like the World Health Organization WHO and the United Nations agencies UNFPA conclude that AIDS is the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa and the fourth biggest killer worldwide.[Table 1]
机译:这是关于获得性免疫缺陷综合症AIDS / HIV现状的基本报告。它处理了这种可怕疾病的当前状况。它定义了基本信息和术语,并列出了非医学读者的管理方法。该报告将为读者提供了解该病的入门知识。流行病学背景发展中国家的艾滋病毒流行病学和负担有两种截然不同的病毒。 1型和2型HIV(HIV-1 / HIV-2)会导致AIDS。 HIV-1是全球绝大多数感染的原因。该病毒的生命周期可以在以下网站上查看:http://www.aids.org/factSheets/400-HIV-Life-Cycle.html尽管在西非以外非常罕见的是HIV-2,但个别的HIV-2病例非洲,欧洲,美洲和亚洲(印度)的其他地区也描述了感染,但大多数感染HIV-2的人与西非有一些流行病学联系。由世界卫生组织,世界卫生组织和联合国机构人口基金等国际卫生机构发表的几份报告得出结论,艾滋病是撒哈拉以南非洲的主要死亡原因,也是全球第四大杀手。[表1]



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