首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Head and Neck Surgery >A Forgotten Fronto-Orbital Foreign Body

A Forgotten Fronto-Orbital Foreign Body




Impaction of foreign bodies in the paranasal sinuses is unusual. We report the case of a 6-year-old male child who was brought to us with a non-resolving painful swelling in the medial wall of right orbit. Radiological investigations revealed it to be a metallic foreign body. A careful history from the child and his parents revealed an incident suggestive of trauma to that region one month before presentation. Introduction An otolaryngologist has to deal with foreign bodies at various sites in the head and neck including ear, nose, tracheo-bronchial tree, esophagus and paranasal sinuses. Amongst these sites the paranasal sinuses are comparatively rare with maxillary sinus as the most commonly involved sinus 1,2,3 . Most of these foreign bodies result from high velocity/penetrating injuries 4 . Foreign bodies in the form of stone, glass particles, gunshot pellets and other foreign bodies have been reported in the fronto-orbital region 5,6,7,8 . In most of the instances, the foreign bodies become apparent at the time of impaction and are removed immediately. The present case is reported because of the unusual presentation, as the foreign body remained unnoticed for a month before being removed. Case Report A 6-year-old child was brought to us by his parents with presenting complaints of a painful, non-resolving swelling in the region of medial wall of right orbit of 20 days duration. The child has been receiving treatment in his village from a physician in the form of antibiotics since the past two months without any relief.Examination revealed an afebrile child with a firm and tender swelling involving the upper medial wall of right orbit with a scar in the overlying skin (Figures 1 & 2).



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