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Peripheral Blood PCR For Detection Of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis In Patients With HIV/AIDS In Mumbai, India

机译:外周血PCR检测印度孟买HIV / AIDS患者的结核分枝杆菌



Background: Since the co-infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and HIV is recognized as a lethal combination, there is need for a reliable diagnostic test that can be conducted on a readily available specimen such as peripheral blood to periodically screen HIV-infected individuals for MTB at an early stage. Methods: A study was designed to assess the diagnostic value of PCR targeted to IS 1081 in peripheral blood of HIV-infected individuals because of ease of obtaining periodic samples. A cohort of 129 individuals was recruited for this purpose. It contained of adult, non-pregnant HIV sero-positive as well as HIV sero-negative individuals who were na?ve to anti-Koch’s treatment at two teaching hospitals in Mumbai. Results: The cohort of 129 individuals was categorized into 5 groups based on their clinical TB and HIV status. The mean CD4 count for TB+HIV+(Groups 1,2,3) ranged between 381 and 525 cells/cmm suggesting early to moderate immune suppression.TB PCR assay was compared with the ‘gold’ standard, namely the LJ culture in each of the 5 groups. Overall, the sensitivity of PCR was 83.3% and specificity was 97.1%. PCR+ LJ-were subjected to sequential TB PCR tests at intervals of two weeks after initiation of AKT.TB PCR+ patients converted to TB PCR negative between 6-8 weeks. Conclusions: The study established that PCR targeted to IS 1081 is a valuable test for early diagnosis of TB from peripheral blood at an early point of TB activation when most patients (>85%) did not produce other traditional specimens such as the sputum and/or pleural fluid. Background The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over 2 billion individuals globally are infected with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB) (1). While MTB continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries, there has been a resurgence even in developed countries where it was successfully contained (2). The situation is further compounded by emergence of MDR and XDR-TB (3,4). With the advent of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and its consequent immune suppression, the coinfection of TB/HIV is now recognized as a lethal combination (5). Such co-infection occurs in at least 60-70% of HIV-infected individuals during their lifetime leading to their rapid HIV-disease progression and death (1, 5). The existent diagnostic tests for MTB in developing countries such as microscopy that lacks sensitivity, LJ culture that takes 6-8 weeks to produce a result, or Bactec 460 assay that takes 10-14 days are not very helpful. Consequently, the authors felt that there was a need for a reliable diagnostic test that can be conducted on a readily available specimen such as peripheral blood to periodically screen HIV-infected individuals for MTB at an early stage of infection (6, 7). Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay is a more sensitive, specific and quicker method for detection of MTB in clinical specimens (8, 9). Early diagnosis of TB co-infection will help reduce morbidity, mortality and further immunologic damage in HIV-infected individuals. Patients and Methods PCR targeted to insertion sequence (IS) 6110 has been successfully used for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis(MTB) in cerebro-spinal fluid in India (10). The authors designed a study to assess the diagnostic value of PCR targeted to IS 1081 in peripheral blood of HIV-infected individuals. An earlier study from India reported that IS 1081 to be prevalent in >80% in the study group (7). The study used peripheral blood because of ease of obtaining periodic samples. Between February 2006 and January 2008, a cohort of 129 individuals was recruited for this purpose (Table I). It contained of adult, non-pregnant HIV sero-positive as well as HIV sero-negative individuals who were na?ve to anti-Koch’s treatment (AKT) and attending the Department of Infectious Diseases (DID) MGM Medical College, Navi Mumbai and KJ Somaiya Medical College, Mumbai. All HIV+ patients were tested for CD4 counts using flowcyto-
机译:背景:由于结核分枝杆菌(MTB)和HIV的共同感染被认为是致命的组合,因此需要一种可靠的诊断测试,可以对容易获得的标本(例如外周血)进行检测,以定期筛查HIV感染者早期用于MTB。方法:设计一项研究以评估针对IS 1081的PCR在HIV感染者外周血中的诊断价值,因为它易于获取定期样本。为此招募了129个人。其中包括成年,未怀孕的HIV血清阳性以及在孟买的两家教学医院中未曾接受过抗Koch治疗的HIV血清阴性的人。结果:根据临床结核病和艾滋病毒感染状况将129名患者分为5组。 TB + HIV +(第1,2,3组)的平均CD4计数范围为381至525个细胞/立方毫米,表明早期至中度免疫抑制.TB PCR分析与``金''标准(即每个5组。总体而言,PCR的敏感性为83.3%,特异性为97.1%。在启动AKT之后的两周间隔内,对PCR + LJ进行连续TB PCR测试。TBPCR +患者在6-8周之间转为TB PCR阴性。结论:该研究确立了针对IS 1081的PCR是一种有价值的检测方法,可用于在大多数患者(> 85%)未产生其他传统标本(例如痰液和//或胸膜积液。背景资料世界卫生组织(WHO)估计全球有超过20亿的人感染了结核分枝杆菌(MTB)(1)。尽管在发展中国家,山地车仍然是发病率和死亡率的主要原因,但即使在成功地遏制山地车的发达国家,也有复苏的趋势(2)。耐多药和广泛耐药结核的出现进一步加剧了这种情况(3,4)。随着艾滋病毒/艾滋病的流行及其随之而来的免疫抑制的到来,结核病/艾滋病毒的合并感染现已被认为是一种致命的组合(5)。此类共感染在其一生中至少有60-70%的HIV感染者发生,从而导致他们的HIV疾病快速发展和死亡(1、5)。发展中国家现有的针对MTB的诊断测试,例如缺乏敏感性的显微镜检查,需要6-8周才能产生结果的LJ培养或需要10-14天才能进行的Bactec 460分析,都没有太大帮助。因此,作者认为需要一种可靠的诊断测试方法,以便对容易获得的标本(例如外周血)进行检测,以便在感染的早期阶段定期筛查HIV感染者的MTB(6、7)。聚合酶链反应(PCR)分析是一种用于检测临床标本中MTB的更灵敏,特异和快捷的方法(8,9)。结核病合并感染的早期诊断将有助于降低艾滋病毒感染者的发病率,死亡率和进一步的免疫学损害。患者和方法靶向插入序列(IS)6110的PCR已成功用于印度脑脊液中的结核分枝杆菌(MTB)检测(10)。作者设计了一项研究,以评估针对IS 1081的PCR在HIV感染者的外周血中的诊断价值。印度较早的一项研究报告说,IS 1081在研究组中的流行率超过80%(7)。该研究使用外周血是因为易于获得定期样本。在2006年2月至2008年1月之间,为此目的招募了129个人(表I)。它包含成年,未怀孕的HIV血清阳性患者以及天真地接受抗Koch治疗(AKT)并就读于米高梅传染病系(DID)米高梅医学院,新孟买和孟买KJ Somaiya医学院。使用流式细胞仪检测所有HIV +患者的CD4计数



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