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Surgical Management Of A Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberance Of The Face




Background: Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberance(DFSP) is a rare cutaneous tumor of unknown etiology. The lesion frequently develops on the extremities (mostly the lower legs) trunk, and rarely above neck. It is usually asymptomatic, although pruritus and tenderness are not uncommon. DFSP is a cutaneous malignancy that arises from the dermis and invades deeper subcutaneous tissue (eg, fat, fascia, muscle, bone).Two cases of dermatofibroma of the face presented to us of which is a pigmented variety also called bednar [6] . WE report these cases as these tumors are rare and though an entity known for about 9 decades still much is research is to be done regarding the management.Materials & Methods : Two cases of Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberance of face of which one was pigmented variety, presented to Plastic Surgery OPD between July 2003 to December 2005.These cases were managed by wide excision and reconstruction by local rotational flaps to achieve cosmetically good results. Introduction Primary mesenchymal tumours with localization outside the skeleton, parenchymatous organs or hollow viscera are generally referred to as soft tissue sarcomas. These are slow growing tumors Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is a relatively unusual, highly invasive locally aggressive cutaneous tumour of intermediate malignancy.Usually this is reported to occur in limbs and trunks, incidence on face is very rare. Moreover the pigmented variety is still a rarer entity. [7]The age of patients vary between second to forth decade, but may present as late as 80 years. These tumors are locally invasive, but recurrence rate is found to be very high.Surgery forms the mainstay of management, though radiotherapy has got some role incases of involved margins. Chemotherapy has no role in management. History Two female patients with exfoliative growth at face presented to us between July 2003 to December 2005.On histopatholgy these lesions came out to be pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberance a locally invasive malignant tumor which was cosmetically unacceptable in these patients. CASE 1 Mrs ABC a 60 years old female presented to us with a huge mass of size of 13 cm. x 9 cm arising from the bridge of nose and inner canthus of the left eye. It was covering both the eyes as a curtain. It was pink colored with areas of necrosis. No cervical lymph nodes were palpable. Histopathology revealed pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberance. [Photo 1]
机译:背景:皮肤纤维肉瘤隆起(DFSP)是一种病因不明的罕见皮肤肿瘤。病变经常在四肢(主要是小腿)躯干上发展,很少在颈部以上。尽管瘙痒和压痛并不少见,但通常无症状。 DFSP是一种由真皮引起的皮肤恶性肿瘤,会侵袭更深的皮下组织(例如脂肪,筋膜,肌肉,骨骼)。两例呈现给我们的面部皮肤皮肤纤维瘤是有色变种,也被称为Bednar [6]。我们报告了这些病例,因为这些肿瘤很少见,尽管有大约9年的历史,但仍需进行大量研究。材料与方法:两例皮肤纤维肉瘤隆起,其中一例为色素变种,现报告整形外科OPD在2003年7月至2005年12月之间进行治疗,这些病例经广泛切除并通过局部旋转皮瓣重建以达到美容效果。简介原发性间充质肿瘤位于骨骼,实质组织器官或空心内脏之外,通常称为软组织肉瘤。这些是生长缓慢的肿瘤,隆突性皮肤皮肤肉瘤(DFSP)是一种相对不寻常的,高度侵袭性的,中等程度恶性的局部侵袭性皮肤肿瘤,通常据报道发生在四肢和躯干中,面部发病率非常罕见。此外,有色品种仍然是一个稀有的实体。 [7]患者的年龄在第二到第四个十年之间有所不同,但可能会迟到80岁。这些肿瘤是局部浸润性的,但是复发率很高。尽管放射治疗在边缘受累的情况下起了一定的作用,但手术仍是治疗的主要手段。化学疗法在管理中没有作用。病史2003年7月至2005年12月间,有两名女性面部剥脱性生长。在组织病理学上,这些病灶为色素性皮肤纤维肉瘤隆起,是局部浸润性恶性肿瘤,在美容上是不可接受的。案例1 ABC夫人,一位60岁的女性,向我们展示了13厘米大小的巨大物体。 x 9厘米,起于左眼鼻梁和鼻梁。它就像窗帘一样遮住了双眼。它是粉红色的,带有坏死区域。没有明显的颈淋巴结肿大。组织病理学显示色素性皮肤纤维肉瘤隆起。 [照片1]



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