
Towards a definition of holism




At the recent World Conference of Family Doctors (WONCA) meeting in Orlando, I attended a session of presented papers related to medical education. One examined the degree to which Swedish GPs felt that a holistic approach was important to their work. Curiously, this paper was labeled in the programme as not eligible for CME credit. During the questions period, one attendee suggested that CME was not allowed because the programme committee had considered holism in the title to mean it was about alternative medicine, and thus not scientific. This raises a number of questions because, as the authors noted, the motivation for the study was that ‘holistic modelling’ is one of the ‘six core competencies of the GP/family doctor’ identified by EURACT, the European Academy of Teachers of General Practice, in 2002. Why would a paper containing one of the core competencies in its title be presumed to be about alternative medicine, or otherwise not of value? (Not to mention why a paper that was on alternative medicine would be presumed to be non-scientific and unworthy of CME credit.) I suggest that at least part of the reason is that many different definitions of holism, and holistic, are being used in health and the healthcare literature, and no one is quite sure what anyone else means when they use these terms.
机译:在最近在奥兰多举行的世界家庭医生会议(WONCA)会议上,我参加了与医学教育有关的演讲论文。有人检查了瑞典全科医生认为整体方法对他们的工作很重要的程度。奇怪的是,该程序中该论文被标记为不符合CME学分。在提问期间,一位与会者建议不允许使用CME,因为计划委员会在标题中考虑了整体性,表示整体性与替代医学有关,因此不科学。正如作者所指出的那样,这引起了许多问题,因为研究的动机是“整体建模”是由欧洲普通教师学院(EURACT)确定的“全科医生/家庭医生的六项核心能力”之一。于2002年在实践中发表。为什么将标题中包含核心能力之一的论文推定为与替代医学有关,否则不具有价值? (更不用说为什么关于替代医学的论文被认为是不科学的,不值得继续医学教育。)我建议至少部分原因是使用了许多关于整体主义和整体性的定义。在健康和保健方面的文献中,没有人完全确定其他人在使用这些术语时的含义。



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