首页> 外文期刊>The British journal of general practice: the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners >Flesh and Bone Francis Bacon/Henry Moore: >Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 12 September 2013–19 January 2014

Flesh and Bone Francis Bacon/Henry Moore: >Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 12 September 2013–19 January 2014




I hope you will find it as difficult as I did to resist this exhibition of two of the 20th century’s greatest artists in one of the country’s most beautiful museums. Francis Bacon, whose sudden death from a heart attack in Madrid was followed by no public ceremony, and Henry Moore OM, whose life was celebrated by a service in Westminster Abbey, knew each other, but were not friends, and have never before been exhibited together in a public gallery. Indeed, they were, as far as we can tell, as different as men as possible — Moore the rooted, often taciturn Yorkshireman, Bacon leading his solitary, shadowy, urban existence — and at first sight much of their work stands in sharp contrast. However, this show, which explores similarities, differences, and affinities in their work also emphasises their common sources: the human figure, the human head and face, the use of the human form to express emotions and beliefs, and the inspiration they both drew from African, Egyptian, and pre-Colombian artefacts. Rather archly, I thought, the Ashmolean, presumably without much trouble, fished out two or three Michelangelo master drawings of the human figure and a couple of Rodin sculptures to introduce this idea at the beginning of the exhibition.
机译:希望您会发现,与在这个国家最美丽的博物馆之一抵抗这次20世纪最伟大的两位艺术家的展览一样,我会遇到同样的困难。弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)因在马德里因心脏病突发猝死,随后未举行公开仪式;亨利·摩尔(Henry Moore OM)彼此相识,但他们不是朋友,而且从未有过展览一起在公共画廊。的确,据我们所知,他们与男人尽可能地不同-摩尔根基,常常沉默寡言的约克郡人,培根领导着他孤独,阴暗的城市生活-乍一看,他们的许多作品形成了鲜明的对比。但是,该节目探索了他们作品中的相似之处,不同之处和相似性,同时也强调了它们的共同来源:人物,人的头部和面部,使用人的形式表达情感和信念以及他们都汲取了灵感。来自非洲,埃及和前哥伦比亚的手工艺品。我以为是拱形的,大概没有多大麻烦的阿什莫林(Ashmolean)在展览开始之初就捞出了两到三个米开朗基罗的人像大师图纸和几个罗丹雕塑来介绍这个想法。



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