首页> 外文期刊>The European journal of psychiatry. >Progression in healthy ageing: frailty, cognitive decline and gender in the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing

Progression in healthy ageing: frailty, cognitive decline and gender in the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing




Background and Objectives: Lifespan is getting longer at a global level. More people, therefore, live past 65 years of age. Ageing favors frailty, a condition that makes the body more susceptible to diseases. We present updated information of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA), and particularly, the Cognitive Decline (CD) group in Action Group 3 (A3), focused in the prevention of frailty and functional decline. Moreover, details of one of the commitments in CD, which deals with the specificities of women in frailty and ageing (Chronic Ailment Reduction after Menopause, CARMEN), will be presented as well. Objectives of EIPAHA are to increase life expectancy of European citizens in two years by 2020 and to improve their quality of life. Methods: We revised literature and the web of the European Commission in what refers to EIP on AHA, A3 action group, and CD. Furthermore, we have summarized the main aspects of the CARMEN commitment. Results: We have sketched the main traits of the selected targets. A series of measures has been taken for favoring prevention of frailty and for health promotion of elderly people; this will help to increase the Europeans average healthy lifespan by two years under conditions of improved quality of life. Conclusions: A new awareness of the need for prevention of frailty and cognitive decline is extending. Early diagnosis of frailty and functional decline are considered as effective measures against age-related comorbidities.
机译:背景和目标:在全球范围内,使用寿命正在延长。因此,更多的人生活在65岁以上。衰老有利于身体虚弱,这是一种使身体更容易感染疾病的状况。我们提供了有关积极主动和健康老龄化的欧洲创新伙伴关系(AIP上的EIP)的最新信息,特别是第3行动小组(A3)中的认知下降(CD)组,其重点是预防脆弱和功能衰退。此外,还将介绍CD中的一项承诺的细节,该承诺涉及女性在衰弱和衰老中的特殊性(绝经后减少慢性不适,CARMEN)。 EIPAHA的目标是到2020年提高两年内欧洲公民的预期寿命,并改善其生活质量。方法:我们修改了有关AHA,A3行动小组和CD上EIP的文献和欧洲委员会的网络。此外,我们总结了CARMEN承诺的主要方面。结果:我们已勾勒出所选目标的主要特征。已经采取了一系列措施,以预防老年人的身体虚弱和促进健康;在改善生活质量的条件下,这将有助于将欧洲人的平均健康寿命延长两年。结论:预防脆弱和认知能力下降的新认识正在扩展。早期诊断身体虚弱和功能下降被认为是对抗与年龄相关的合并症的有效措施。



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