首页> 外文期刊>Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar: Current Approaches in Psychiatry >Yeti?kin Ba?lanma Kuram? ve Duygulan?m Düzenleme Stratejilerinin Depresyonla ?li?kisi [The Relationship of Adult Attachment Theory and Affect Regulation Strategies to Depression]

Yeti?kin Ba?lanma Kuram? ve Duygulan?m Düzenleme Stratejilerinin Depresyonla ?li?kisi [The Relationship of Adult Attachment Theory and Affect Regulation Strategies to Depression]




According to the attachment theory which is also known as an affect regulation theory, internal working models that are constituted by the interaction between primary care giver and infant in the early period of life. These working models plays an important role how the infant gives a meaning to the world and himself/ herself and it determines the individual’s personality development and by the way the probable psychopathologies that can be observed in the future like depression. In relation with this, many of the empirical studies in the adult literature states on how internal models and cognitive representations have an influence on emotional reactions. According to various studies, reporting different attachment styles and individuals who has probably different internal models, differs in each others’ emotional reactions and how they behave according to these reactions. In view of attachment literature, individual makes a decision in terms of making affect regulation for maintaining proximity seeking and this process evokes the activation of secondary attachment strategies which are named as hyper and deactivating strategies. From the framework of this review, the relationship between major depression and adult attachment styles, affect regulation strategies is examined. Firstly, Bowlby’s attachment theory is mentioned shortly and adult attachment styles are introduced. Secondly, affect regulation strategies, which are thought to be related with major depression as a mood disorder are identified and finally, the empirical research findings relevant to the topic are represented.



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