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Circular simple shear extrusion as an alternative for simple shear extrusion technique for producing bulk nanostructured materials




Recently, simple shear extrusion is introduced to fabricate ultrafine-grained materials. It was designed for billets with square cross-sections and was investigated well previously. This study aims to introduce an alternative design of simple shear extrusion process with a circular cross-section, which is named circular simple shear extrusion. The deformation behavior during the new process is investigated by finite element analysis using ABAQUS/Explicit software package. The load of the process and the strain distribution on the processed-sample are studied by a set of simulations. The results show that, in comparison to conventional simple shear extrusion, the circular simple shear extrusion process needs lower extrusion pressures. Also, the accumulated strains are closer to theoretical ones. The amount of friction force in the process with circular cross-section is lower in comparison with the square one which leads to both, the longer service life of the circular simple shear extrusion dies and the lower cost of production. Hence, this new geometry has a strong potential in terms of industrial applications.
机译:近来,引入了简单的剪切挤压以制造超细颗粒的材料。它是为具有方形横截面的钢坯设计的,此前已进行了深入研究。这项研究旨在介绍一种具有圆形横截面的简单剪切挤压工艺的替代设计,称为圆形简单剪切挤压。使用ABAQUS / Explicit软件包,通过有限元分析研究了新工艺中的变形行为。通过一组模拟研究了过程的负载和样品上的应变分布。结果表明,与常规的简单剪切挤压相比,圆形简单剪切挤压工艺需要较低的挤压压力。而且,累积的应变更接近理论应变。与正方形相比,具有圆形横截面的过程中的摩擦力较小,这导致圆形简单剪切挤压模具的使用寿命更长且生产成本更低。因此,这种新的几何形状在工业应用方面具有强大的潜力。



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