首页> 外文期刊>Pramana >Electron impact excitation of the e??· states of Mg, Ca and Sr atoms: Complete experiment results

Electron impact excitation of the e??· states of Mg, Ca and Sr atoms: Complete experiment results

机译:Mg,Ca和Sr原子e ??状态的电子冲击激发:完整的实验结果



We have used non-relativistic and relativistic distorted wave approximation methods to study the excitation of the e?‘?1 e??· states of magnesium (e?‘? = 3), calcium (e?‘? = 4) and strontium (e?‘? = 5) from the ground e?‘?1 e?‘? state. Calculations have been performed for the complete set of parameters $(e???, ilde{L}_{ot}^{+}, ilde{L}_{ot}^{-}, ilde{e???}^{+}, ilde{e???}^{-})$. The results are presented for electron impact energies of 20 and 40 eV. We compare our results obtained from both the non-relativistic and relativistic methods with each other. Good agreement is found on comparison and the importance of relativistic effects is also explored.
机译:我们已经使用了非相对论和相对论的畸变波近似方法来研究镁(e3'?= 3),钙(e2'?= 4)和锶的e?1?1e ??·态的激发。 (e?'?= 5)从地面e?'?? 1 e?'?州。已对完整参数集$(e ???,ilde {L} _ {ot} ^ {+},ilde {L} _ {ot} ^ {-},ilde {e ???}进行了计算^ {+},ilde {e ???} ^ {-})$。对于20和40 eV的电子冲击能给出了结果。我们将从非相对论和相对论方法中获得的结果相互比较。在比较中发现了很好的一致性,并且还探讨了相对论效应的重要性。



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