首页> 外文期刊>PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases >Geographic shifts in Aedes aegypti habitat suitability in Ecuador using larval surveillance data and ecological niche modeling: Implications of climate change for public health vector control

Geographic shifts in Aedes aegypti habitat suitability in Ecuador using larval surveillance data and ecological niche modeling: Implications of climate change for public health vector control




Author summary The yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti) is a medically important vector of arboviral diseases in Ecuador, such as dengue fever and chikungunya. Managing Ae. aegypti is a challenge to public health agencies in Latin America, where the use of limited resources must be planned in an efficient, targeted manner. The spatial distribution of Ae. aegypti can be used as a proxy for risk of disease exposure, guiding policy formation and decision-making. We used ecological niche models in this study to predict the range of Ae. aegypti in Ecuador, based on agency larval mosquito surveillance records and layers of environmental predictors (e.g. climate, elevation, and human population). The best models of current range were then projected to the year 2050 under a variety of greenhouse gas emissions scenarios and models of climate change. All modeled future scenarios predicted shifts in the range of Ae. aegypti, allowing us to assess human populations that may be at risk of becoming exposed to Aedes vectored diseases. As climate changes, we predict that communities living in areas of transitional elevation along the Andes mountain range are vulnerable to the expansion of Ae. aegypti.
机译:作者摘要黄热蚊(Aedes aegypti)是厄瓜多尔虫媒病毒疾病的医学重要载体,例如登革热和基孔肯雅热。总经理埃及对拉丁美洲的公共卫生机构是一个挑战,在拉丁美洲,必须以有效,针对性的方式规划有限资源的使用。 Ae的空间分布。埃及可以用作疾病暴露风险的代名词,指导政策的制定和决策。在这项研究中,我们使用了生态位模型来预测Ae的范围。厄瓜多尔的埃及埃及人,是根据机构幼虫蚊子监视记录和环境预测因子(例如气候,海拔和人口)的层级。然后,根据各种温室气体排放情景和气候变化模型,将当前范围的最佳模型预测到2050年。所有未来的模拟情景都预测了Ae范围内的变化。 aegypti,使我们能够评估可能面临伊蚊媒介传播疾病风险的人群。随着气候变化,我们预测居住在安第斯山脉过渡海拔地区的社区容易受到Ae扩张的影响。埃及。



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