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Reframing the work on patient experience improvement




In reframing the work on patient experience improvement Dr. Jocelyn Cornwell, chief executive of The Point of Care Foundation, challenges us to broaden our view on what is necessary to impact patient experience efforts. From a defined need to reduce avoidable suffering associated with health care delivery dysfunction, she suggests we extend the discussion in two ways: First, to include a concern for staff engagement, experience and well-being, and second, to position patient experience improvement as one type of quality improvement (QI) in healthcare, and urge practitioners to pay more attention to the lessons from QI in other domains. High quality, reliable patient experience is a primary goal in healthcare alongside others; too often it is treated as separate from other quality goals, deprived of the resources those goals command and taken less seriously. By broadening our view on patient experience improvement, Dr. Cornwell offers we will find not only greater engagement from all participants in healthcare, but also positive and sustained outcomes.
机译:在重新设计有关改善患者体验工作的工作时,The Point of Care Foundation首席执行官Jocelyn Cornwell博士向我们提出挑战,要求我们扩大对影响患者体验工作必要性的看法。从减少与医疗服务功能障碍相关的可避免痛苦的明确需求出发,她建议我们以两种方式扩展讨论:第一,包括对员工敬业度,经验和幸福的关注;第二,将患者体验改善定位为一种是医疗保健质量改进(QI)的类型,并敦促从业者更多地关注其他领域中QI的教训。与其他医疗服务一样,高质量,可靠的患者体验是医疗保健的主要目标;很多时候,它被视为与其他质量目标分开,被剥夺了那些目标所需要的资源并且没有那么认真地对待。通过扩大我们对改善患者体验的看法,康维尔博士提供的不仅是所有医疗保健参与者的参与,而且是积极而持续的结果。



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