首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Journal of Science and Technology >Assessment of Transformational Leadership and Leadership Style on Business Organizations’ Significant and Positive Change

Assessment of Transformational Leadership and Leadership Style on Business Organizations’ Significant and Positive Change




This study examines the isolation of transformational leadership, differentiates visionary leaders from other leadership types, identifies leadership style in organizations, and verifies if leaders influences business organization’s performance. The primary data used for the study was collected from one hundred and fifty (150) staff, that is, employer and employees of the following organizations; Black Horse Plastics Industries; Fumman Agricultural Products Industries PLC; Summal foods Nig, Ltd; HEBN Publishers PLC, and Nestle Nig. PLC, using questionnaires to gather the data. Once the data was collected, it was organized and analyzed. The method used basically in analyzing data is the Chi-square. The study revealed that Where ever change is embraced, it can be sustained. Also, change is good, change is necessary and can only be achieved by visionary leaders, therefore, Managers should be re-molded into transformational leaders to help sustain positive and significant change in the organizations. The study therefore recommends that Managers should encourage a style of leadership, where employees will be able to express themselves and have a closer relationship with their bosses.
机译:这项研究研究了变革型领导的孤立性,将有远见的领导者与其他领导类型区分开来,确定组织中的领导风格,并验证了领导者是否会影响商业组织的绩效。该研究使用的主要数据是从一百五十(150)名员工(即以下组织的雇主和雇员)中收集的;黑马塑料工业;福曼农产品工业有限公司; Summal Foods Nig,Ltd; HEBN Publishers PLC和Nestle Nig。 PLC,使用调查表收集数据。一旦收集了数据,便对其进行了组织和分析。基本用于分析数据的方法是卡方。该研究表明,凡是接受改变的地方,改变都是可以持续的。同样,变革是好的,变革是必要的,只有有远见的领导才能实现,因此,管理人员应重塑为变革型领导,以帮助组织保持积极而重大的变革。因此,该研究建议管理人员应鼓励领导风格,使员工能够表达自己的观点并与老板保持更紧密的关系。



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