首页> 外文期刊>Sustainability >Factors Affecting Migration Intentions in Ecological Restoration Areas and Their Implications for the Sustainability of Ecological Migration Policy in Arid Northwest China

Factors Affecting Migration Intentions in Ecological Restoration Areas and Their Implications for the Sustainability of Ecological Migration Policy in Arid Northwest China




Ecological migration policy has been proposed and implemented as a means for depopulating ecological restoration areas in the arid Northwest China. Migration intention is critical to the effectiveness of ecological migration policy. However, studies on migration intention in relation to ecological migration policy in China remain scant. Thus this paper aims to investigate the rural residents’ migration intentions and their affecting factors under ecological migration policy in Minqin County, an ecological restoration area, located at the lower terminus of Shiyang River Basin in arid Northwest China. The data for this study come from a randomly sampled household questionnaire survey. Results from logistic regression modelling indicate that most residents do not intend to migrate, despite rigid eco-environmental conditions and governance polices threatening livelihood sustainability. In addition to demographic and socio-economic factors, the eco-environmental factors are also significantly correlated with the possibility of a resident intending to migrate. The implications of the significant independent variables for the sustainability of ecological migration policy are discussed. The paper concludes that ecological migration policies may ultimately be more sustainable when taking into account household interests within complex migration intention contexts, such as household livelihoods dynamics and environmental change.
机译:已经提出并实施了生态移民政策,作为减少西北干旱地区生态恢复区人口的一种手段。移民意图对于生态移民政策的有效性至关重要。但是,关于中国生态移民政策的移民意向的研究仍然很少。因此,本文旨在调查生态干旱地区民勤县农村居民的迁移意愿及其影响因素,该县位于西北干旱地区石羊河流域的下游,是一个生态修复区。这项研究的数据来自随机抽样的家庭问卷调查。 Logistic回归模型的结果表明,尽管僵化的生态环境条件和治理政策威胁着生计的可持续性,但大多数居民仍不打算迁移。除了人口和社会经济因素外,生态环境因素还与居民打算移民的可能性显着相关。讨论了重要的自变量对生态移民政策可持续性的影响。本文的结论是,在复杂的移民意图背景下,如家庭生计动态和环境变化,考虑到家庭利益时,生态移民政策最终可能更具可持续性。



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