首页> 外文期刊>Revista Chilena de Neuropsiquiatria >Un análisis bibliométrico de los trabajos libres de psiquiatría presentados a congresos de la Sociedad Chilena de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía entre 2000 y 2009

Un análisis bibliométrico de los trabajos libres de psiquiatría presentados a congresos de la Sociedad Chilena de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía entre 2000 y 2009




Introduction: Bibliometry is the discipline that measures the bibliographic production in a given scientific area; in Chile there are few studies documenting the themes and trends in Mental health research. Method: A quantitative analysis is performed of the 992 papers published in the Abstracts Book in the SONEPSYN meetings between 2000 and 2009. The most productive groups are mentioned, and a classification of main research themes according to the index of the Tratado de Psiquiatría edited by Heerlein et al. Results: The most frequent themes were Affective Disorders, (14,3%), Liaison and General Hospital Psychiatry (8,6%), Epidemiology and Classification (6,6%), Validation and use of diagnostic and psychometric scales (5,6%), followed by antidepressant use and teaching with 1,2% each. Most presentations were prepared in university settings (48%) or in hospitals (35%), with a strong concentration in the Metropolitan Region (80,4%) and the VIII Region (8,3%). Conclusions: There is an increasing number of psychiatric papers presented from 2000 to 2009, with the Metropolitan Region of Santiago the area that present the higher number of research work (76,31%).There is a low number of collaborative research: 88,3% of the works were presented by a single institution. 9,6% (this is 59 papers) were presented by two, and 2,1 % (13 papers) by three. Affective disorders were the most researched area; followed by use of antipsychotics and liaision, community, and child and adolescent psychiatry.
机译:简介:书目计量学是衡量特定科学领域书目产生的学科;在智利,很少有研究记录了心理健康研究的主题和趋势。 方法:对2000年至2009年在SONEPSYN会议上摘要书中发表的992篇论文进行了定量分析。提到了生产力最高的群体,并根据Tratado de指数对主要研究主题进行了分类。 Psiquiatría由Heerlein等编辑。 结果:最常见的主题是情感障碍(14.3%),联络和综合医院精神病学(8.6%),流行病学和分类(6.6%),诊断和心理量表的验证和使用(5,6%),其次是抗抑郁药的使用和教学,每人1,2%。大多数演示文稿是在大学环境(48%)或医院(35%)中进行的,其中大部分集中在大都市区(80.4%)和第八区(8.3%)中。 结论:从2000年到2009年,发表的精神病学论文数量在增加,圣地亚哥大都市区的研究工作数量较多(76,31%)。合作研究的数量较少:88,3%的作品是由一家机构提交的。有9.6%(这是59篇论文)由两个人提出,有2.1%(13个论文)由三个人提出。情感障碍是研究最多的领域。其次是使用抗精神病药物和联络,社区以及儿童和青少年精神病学。



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