首页> 外文期刊>Revista Chilena de Neuropsiquiatria >Trastornos somatomorfos en la atención primaria: Características psicosociales y resultados de una propuesta de consejería familiar

Trastornos somatomorfos en la atención primaria: Características psicosociales y resultados de una propuesta de consejería familiar




The article describes the psychosocial characteristics of patients with somatization disorder and the results of a family counseling proposal, applied by the primary care health equipment. The objective of the counseling was that the patients recovered their personal skills, that allow them to take control or the solution of their problems, and they could act independently. Method : The sample was constituted by 128 patients from seven centers of primary attention health of the Bío-Bío Region. Results show that the main patient complaint is related to the family and the application was successful for 75% of the cases. Discussion : The results are discussed in relation to their limitations and future projections.
机译:本文介绍了躯体化障碍患者的心理社会特征以及家庭咨询建议的结果,该建议由初级保健医疗设备应用。咨询的目的是使患者恢复自己的个人技能,使他们能够控制或解决问题,并且可以独立行动。 方法:该样本由来自比奥比奥地区七个主要关注健康中心的128名患者组成。结果表明,主要的患者投诉与家庭有关,并且成功申请了75%的案例。 讨论:讨论了有关其局限性和未来预测的结果。



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