首页> 外文期刊>Social Media + Society >Disturbing Hegemonic Discourse: Nonbinary Gender and Sexual Orientation Labeling on Tumblr:

Disturbing Hegemonic Discourse: Nonbinary Gender and Sexual Orientation Labeling on Tumblr:




In this article, I examine lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA) Tumblr bloggersa?? bio boxes and a??About Mea?? pages to show the ways gender and sexual orientation identities are constructed through community-regulated and community-generated labeling practices. Tumblr encourages counter-cultures (and labeling practices) to not only form but also to thrive due to its distinctive affordances including tagging and blog formatting. This article examines not only how these affordances shape usage and, subsequently, identity construction on Tumblr but also the ways in which Tumblr bloggers have embraced affordances to create community-accepted conventions of identity construction. Additionally, building upon online identity scholarship by Bargh, McKenna, and Fitzsimons and Tiidenberg, this article discusses true self and nonbinary gender and sexual orientation labeling as forms of identity construction that allows LGBTQIA identifying individuals a method for nuanced descriptions of feelings and desires. However, far from perfect, these labeling practices are also grounded in hegemonic female/male, feminine/masculine binary discourse. In a Foucauldian sense, bloggers construct discourse within existing power structures that ignore or erase LGBTQIA as sexual a??abnormalities.a?? Although it is nearly impossible to fully break away from the dominant discourse, these labeling practices can be a useful starting point for conversations about genders and sexualities that lie outside of the hegemonic binary.
机译:在本文中,我研究了女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,跨性别,酷儿/质疑,双性恋和无性(LGBTQIA)Tumblr bloggersa?生物盒和?关于Mea?这些页面显示了通过社区监管和社区生成的标签实践来构造性别和性取向身份的方式。 Tumblr鼓励反文化(和标签实践)不仅形成而且还因其独特的功能而蓬勃发展,包括标记和博客格式。本文不仅研究这些馈赠如何影响使用以及随后在Tumblr上进行身份构建,而且还研究Tumblr博客作者采用馈赠来创建社区认可的身份构建约定的方式。此外,本文以Bargh,McKenna,Fitzsimons和Tiidenberg的在线身份奖学金为基础,讨论了真实的自我和非二元性别和性取向标签作为身份构建的形式,这使LGBTQIA能够识别个人来细化描述感觉和欲望的方法。但是,这些标记做法远非完美,还基于霸权的女性/男性,女性/男性二元话语。从福柯的意义上讲,博客作者在现有的权力结构中建构话语,而忽略或消除LGBTQIA是性异常现象。尽管几乎不可能完全摆脱占主导地位的论述,但是这些标记实践可以成为讨论霸权二元性之外的性别和性行为的有用起点。



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