首页> 外文期刊>Sociedade Brasileira da Ciencia das Plantas Daninhas >Effect of weed seed production prevention and 10-year herbicide direct spray on weed density in corn during sucessive years

Effect of weed seed production prevention and 10-year herbicide direct spray on weed density in corn during sucessive years




A ten-year corn field experiment was conducted at Ponta Grossa (Parana, Brazil) to evaluate the effect of weed seed production prevention and herbicide direct spray on weed density in successive years, under two different tillage treatments (conventional and no-till). The main weeds in the area were Alexandergrass (Brachiaria plantaginea), crabgrass (Digitaria ciliaris), wild poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla), pusley (Richardia brasiliensis) and arrowleaf sida (Sida rhombifolia). The prevention of weed seed production during ten years reduced weed density over 99%. There was no difference between conventional tillage and no-till for density reduction. Weed density reduction varied but was greater during the first years for all species. Weed density in successive years, when there was weed seed production (check), varied, according to climatic and cultural conditions. Direct spray herbicide application was efficient in controlling weed seed production, when the species were susceptible to the herbicides. Increasing crabgrass density was observed under conventional tillage with direct spray due to poor control. The fitting equation in the treatments without seed production and herbicide direct spray was a negative exponential. Weed density results were confirmed by weed seed bank evaluation.
机译:在两个不同的耕作处理方式(常规和免耕)下,在蓬塔格罗萨(巴西帕拉纳,巴西)进行了为期十年的玉米田试验,以评估杂草预防种子生产和直接使用除草剂对连续几年的杂草密度的影响。该地区的主要杂草是亚历山大草(Brachiaria plantaginea),马草(Digitaria ciliaris),野生一品红(Euphorbia heterophylla),普斯利(Richardia brasiliensis)和箭叶sida(Sida rhombifolia)。十年内防止杂草种子的产生使杂草密度降低了99%以上。常规耕作与免耕之间的密度降低没有区别。杂草密度的减少程度各有不同,但在所有物种的头几年中都更大。杂草种子产量(检查)连续几年的杂草密度根据气候和文化条件而变化。当该物种易受除草剂影响时,直接喷洒除草剂可有效控制杂草种子的产生。由于控制不善,在常规耕作直接喷洒下,观察到的马尾草密度增加。没有种子生产和不直接喷洒除草剂的处理中的拟合方程为负指数。杂草密度结果通过杂草种子库评估得到证实。



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