首页> 外文期刊>Oncogenesis. >IKKβ–I-κB?–c-Rel/p50: a new axis of NF-κB activation in lung epithelial cells

IKKβ–I-κB?–c-Rel/p50: a new axis of NF-κB activation in lung epithelial cells

机译:IKKβ–I-κB?–c-Rel / p50:肺上皮细胞中NF-κB激活的新轴



Cigarette smoke (CS), a major risk factor for developing lung cancer, is known to activate transcriptional activator nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB). However, the underlying mechanism of this activation remains unclear because of conflicting reports. As NF-κB has a pivotal role in the generation and maintenance of malignancies, efforts were targeted towards understanding its activation mechanism using both ex vivo and in vivo studies. The results show that CS-induced NF-κB activation mechanism is different from that of other pro-inflammatory signals such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The NF-κB dimer that translocates to the nucleus upon stimulation with CS is predominantly composed of c-Rel/p50 and this translocation involves degradation of I-κB? and not I-κBα. This degradation of I-κB? depends on IKKβ activity, which preferentially targets I-κB?. Consistently, CS-activated form of IKKβ was found to be different from that involved in LPS activation as neither Ser177 nor Ser181 of IKKβ is crucial for CS-induced NF-κB activation. Thus, unlike other pro-inflammatory stimulations where p65 and I-κBα have a central role, the predominantly active signaling cascade in CS-induced NF-κB activation in the lung epithelial cells comprises of IKKβ–I-κB?–c-Rel/p50. Thus, this study uncovers a new axis of NF-κB activation wherein I-κB? and c-Rel have the central role.. ? 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited
机译:香烟烟雾(CS)是发展为肺癌的主要危险因素,已知它会激活转录激活因子核因子κB(NF-κB)。但是,由于相互矛盾的报告,这种激活的基本机制仍不清楚。由于NF-κB在恶性肿瘤的产生和维持中起着关键作用,因此人们致力于通过离体和体内研究来了解其激活机制。结果表明,CS诱导的NF-κB激活机制不同于其他促炎信号,例如脂多糖(LPS)。在CS刺激下易位至核的NF-κB二聚体主要由c-Rel / p50组成,这种易位涉及I-κB的降解。而不是I-κBα。 I-κB的这种降解?取决于IKKβ活性,后者优先靶向I-κBβ。一致地,发现IKSβ的CS激活形式与LPS激活所涉及的形式不同,因为IKKβ的Ser177和Ser181都不是CS诱导的NF-κB激活的关键。因此,与其他促炎性刺激(其中p65和I-κBα发挥中心作用)不同,在CS诱导的肺上皮细胞NF-κB激活中,主要活跃的信号级联反应由IKKβ–I-κBβ–c-Rel / 50因此,这项研究揭示了一个新的NF-κB激活轴,其中I-κBα?和c-Rel具有中心作用。 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited



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