首页> 外文期刊>SAHARA-J >Peripheral neuropathy and quality of life of adults living with HIV/AIDS in the Rulindo district of Rwanda

Peripheral neuropathy and quality of life of adults living with HIV/AIDS in the Rulindo district of Rwanda

机译:卢旺达Rulindo区感染HIV / AIDS的成年人的周围神经病变和生活质量



Although the life expectancy of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) has increased in the past years, they could experience secondary illness such as peripheral neuropathy (PN). Therefore, they need to adapt to chronic disablement which could affect their quality of life (QoL). The research that informed this article aimed at determining the prevalence of PN among adults living with HIV/AIDS and attending the outpatients’ clinic at Rutongo Hospital in the Rulindo district of Rwanda. Another aim was to determine these patients’ QoL. A cross-sectional descriptive quantitative research design was used. A time-constrained method was used to sample 185 adults living with HIV/AIDS and attending the outpatients’ clinic at Rutongo Hospital. The subjective PN screen and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale Brief Version were used to collect the data. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Student's t-test and one-way analysis of variance were performed to determine if significant differences existed between QoL scores in participants with and without PN symptoms. The results indicated that 40.5% of respondents experienced PN. QoL in participants with PN showed significantly lower scores in the physical (p?=?0.013) and psychological (p?=?0.020) domains when compared with those who did not have PN. These results indicate a high prevalence of neuropathy among PLWH attending the outpatients’ clinic at Rutongo Hospital. In addition, patients with neuropathy had lower QoL scores in the physical and psychological domains than those without neuropathy symptoms. The management of PLWH should therefore include interventions to optimise QoL as well as screening for neuropathy symptoms so that sufferers can liaise with their medical providers to find medical and supportive therapies that could assist them.
机译:尽管在过去的几年中,艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者的预期寿命有所增加,但他们可能会遭受诸如周围神经病变(PN)的继发性疾病。因此,他们需要适应可能影响其生活质量(QoL)的慢性残疾。为这篇文章提供信息的研究旨在确定感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病的成年人中PN的患病率,并在卢旺达Rulindo区的Rutongo医院的门诊就诊。另一个目的是确定这些患者的生活质量。使用横截面描述性定量研究设计。采用时间受限的方法对185名患有HIV / AIDS并在Rutongo医院门诊就诊的成年人进行抽样。主观PN屏幕和世界卫生组织生活质量量表摘要版用于收集数据。使用社会科学统计软件包对数据进行了分析。进行了学生t检验和单向方差分析,以确定有无PN症状的参与者的QoL得分之间是否存在显着差异。结果表明,有40.5%的受访者经历过PN。与没有PN的参与者相比,PN参与者的QoL在身体(p?=?0.013)和心理(p?=?0.020)领域的得分明显较低。这些结果表明,在Rutongo医院门诊就诊的PLWH中神经病变的患病率很高。此外,患有神经病的患者在身体和心理方面的QoL得分要低于没有神经病症状的患者。因此,PLWH的管理应包括优化QoL的干预措施以及筛查神经病变症状,以便患者可以与医疗提供者保持联系,以找到可以帮助他们的医疗和支持疗法。



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