




Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic disorder of unknown cause characterized by the formation of immune granulomas in involved organs. It is an ubiquitous disease with incidence (varying according to age, sex, race and geographic origin) estimated at around 16.5/100,000 in men and 19/100,000 in women. The lung and the lymphatic system are predominantly affected but virtually every organ may be involved. Other severe manifestations result from cardiac, neurological, ocular, kidney or laryngeal localizations. In most cases, sarcoidosis is revealed by persistent dry cough, eye or skin manifestations, peripheral lymph nodes, fatigue, weight loss, fever or night sweats, and erythema nodosum. Abnormal metabolism of vitamin D3 within granulomatous lesions and hypercalcemia are possible. Chest radiography is abnormal in about 90% of cases and shows lymphadenopathy and/or pulmonary infiltrates (without or with fibrosis), defining sarcoidosis stages from I to IV. The etiology remains unknown but the prevailing hypothesis is that various unidentified, likely poorly degradable antigens of either infectious or environmental origin could trigger an exaggerated immune reaction in genetically susceptible hosts. Diagnosis relies on compatible clinical and radiographic manifestations, evidence of non-caseating granulomas obtained by biopsy through tracheobronchial endoscopy or at other sites, and exclusion of all other granulomatous diseases. The evolution and severity of sarcoidosis are highly variable. Mortality is estimated at between 0.5–5%. In most benign cases (spontaneous resolution within 24–36 months), no treatment is required but a regular follow-up until recovery is necessary. In more serious cases, a medical treatment has to be prescribed either initially or at some point during follow-up according to clinical manifestations and their evolution. Systemic corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment of sarcoidosis. The minimal duration of treatment is 12 months. Some patients experience repeated relapses and may require long-term low-dose corticosteroid therapy during years. Other treatments (immunosuppressive drugs and aminoquinolins) may be useful in case of unsatisfactory response to corticosteroids, poor tolerance and as sparing agents when high doses of corticosteroids are needed for a long time. In some strictly selected cases refractory to standard therapy, specific antiTNF-α agents may offer precious improvement. Some patients benefit from topical corticosteroids.
机译:结节病是一种原因不明的多系统疾病,其特征在于受累器官中形成了免疫性肉芽肿。它是一种普遍存在的疾病,其发病率(根据年龄,性别,种族和地理来源而异)在男性中约为16.5 / 100,000,在女性中约为19 / 100,000。肺和淋巴系统主要受累,但实际上每个器官都可能受累。其他严重的表现是由于心脏,神经,眼,肾或喉的定位所致。在大多数情况下,结节病表现为持续的干咳,眼部或皮肤表现,周围淋巴结肿大,疲劳,体重减轻,发烧或盗汗和结节性红斑。肉芽肿病灶中维生素D3的异常代谢和高钙血症是可能的。大约90%的病例X线胸片显示异常,显示淋巴结肿大和/或肺部浸润(无纤维化或有纤维化),定义为从I到IV的结节病阶段。病因仍是未知的,但普遍的假设是感染或环境来源的各种未鉴定的,可能降解性较差的抗原可能在遗传易感宿主中引发夸大的免疫反应。诊断取决于相容的临床和放射学表现,通过气管支气管内窥镜检查或在其他部位通过活检获得的非干酪性肉芽肿的证据,以及排除所有其他肉芽肿性疾病的证据。结节病的演变和严重程度差异很大。死亡率估计在0.5%至5%之间。在大多数良性病例中(在24-36个月内自发解决),无需治疗,但需要定期随访直至恢复。在更严重的情况下,必须根据临床表现及其发展情况,在开始时或在随访期间的某个时候开药。全身性皮质类固醇是结节病治疗的主要手段。最短治疗时间为12个月。一些患者经历了反复的复发,并且可能需要多年的长期低剂量皮质类固醇治疗。其他治疗方法(免疫抑制药和氨基喹啉类药物)在对皮质类固醇的治疗效果不理想,耐受性较差的情况下可能有用,并且在长期需要高剂量的皮质类固醇的情况下可用作保护剂。在某些严格选择的标准治疗无效的情况下,特定的抗TNF-α药物可能会提供宝贵的改善。一些患者受益于局部糖皮质激素。



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