首页> 外文期刊>Open Access Library Journal >Microlending Chickens and Entrepreneurship: Empowering Poor Rural Families in Kenya

Microlending Chickens and Entrepreneurship: Empowering Poor Rural Families in Kenya




This paper is about a project that combines entrepreneurship and microlending—two currently significant concepts in international development. The purpose of the project was to provide poor families with a source of income and protein-rich food through microlending chicken start-up support. Its method was to partner with Nutri-Fresh Farm & Agri-Hub, a non-governmental organization for creating agricultural entrepreneurs from subsistence farmers and youth in Kenya. Each family signed a Poultry Project Loan Agreement stating their obligation to repay—without interest—in the form of mature poultry cocks the costs of the chicks, feeds, vaccines, training and follow-up until the chicks attained maturity at six months. The repaid amounts would be invested in new families. Recently Simon Wachieni, Director of Nutri-Fresh Farm & Agri-Hub, confirmed that all families so far involved have eggs for sale and as a regular source of protein for themselves, that they increase their asset through the additional hatching of their own chicks, and that they are repaying the loan. Our final conclusion is that this project combining microlending chickens and entrepreneurship has been successful and that it can be useful elsewhere as well.
机译:本文是关于一个结合企业家精神和小额贷款的项目,这是当前国际发展中的两个重要概念。该项目的目的是通过小额贷款鸡肉创业支持为贫困家庭提供收入来源和蛋白质丰富的食物。它的方法是与非政府组织Nutri-Fresh Farm&Agri-Hub合作,该组织旨在从肯尼亚的自给自足农民和青年中创建农业企业家。每个家庭都签署了《家禽项目贷款协议》,其中规定他们有义务无偿还以成年家禽的形式支付雏鸡,饲料,疫苗,培训和后续活动的费用,直到雏鸡在六个月前成熟。还款额将投资于新家庭。最近,Nutri-Fresh Farm&Agri-Hub的总监Simon Wachieni确认,到目前为止,所有参与的家庭都出售鸡蛋,并作为自己的常规蛋白质来源,他们通过自己孵化小鸡增加了资产,并且他们正在偿还贷款。我们的最终结论是,将小额贷款小鸡和企业家精神相结合的这个项目已经成功,并且在其他地方也很有用。



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