首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Physical Chemistry >How the Even-Odd Rule, by Defining Electrons Pairs and Charge Positions, Can Be Used as a Substitute to the Langmuir-Octet Rule in Understanding Interconnections between Atoms in Ions and Molecules

How the Even-Odd Rule, by Defining Electrons Pairs and Charge Positions, Can Be Used as a Substitute to the Langmuir-Octet Rule in Understanding Interconnections between Atoms in Ions and Molecules




In the course of time, numerous rules were proposed to predict how atoms connect through covalent bonds. Based on the classification of elements in the periodic table, the rule of eight was first proposed to draw formulas of organic compounds. The later named octet rule exhibited shortcomings when applied to inorganic compounds. Another rule, the rule of two, using covalent bonds between atoms, was proposed as an attempt to unify description of organic and inorganic molecules. This rule unfortunately never managed to expand the field of application of the octet rule to inorganic compounds. In order to conciliate organic and inorganic compounds, the recently put forward even-odd and the isoelectronicity rules suggest the creation of one group of compounds with pairs of electrons. These rules compass the rule of two for covalent bonds as well as the octet rule for organic compounds and suggest transforming bonds of multi-bonded compounds in order to unify representations of both groups of compounds. The aim of the present paper is fourfold: to extend the rule of two to every atom shells; to replace the well-known octet rule by the even-odd rule; to apply the isoelectronicity rule to each atom and to reduce the influence range of the charge of an atom in a compound. According to both rules, the drawing of one atom with its single-covalent bonds is described with electron pairs and charge positions. To illustrate the rules, they are applied to 3D configurations of clusters.



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