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Improving coordination to control African swine fever




A new initiative called Standing Group of Experts on African Swine Fever (ASF) in the Baltic and Eastern Europe region (hereafter referred toas ‘SGE’) was set up under the GF-TADs umbrella to build up closer cooperation between countries infected with African swine fever (Belarus,Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Russia,Ukraine) and thereby address the disease in a more collaborative and harmonised manner across the sub-region. The European Commission, the OIE and the FAO complete the SGE member list. The initiative’s modus operandi was agreed during the launch meeting (Bern, September 2014) and the countries committed to demonstrate greater transparency, by fully respecting their noti?cation obligations to the OIE as well as by sharing data and information on surveillance, prevention and control measures. The European Commission is the main contributor to the initiative; however, the OIE and the countries hosting the SGE meetings also support it ?nancially to some extent.
机译:在GF-TAD的支持下,建立了一个新的倡议,即波罗的海和东欧地区的非洲猪瘟专家常设小组(ASF)(以下简称“ SGE”),以建立非洲猪感染国家之间的更紧密合作发烧(白俄罗斯,爱沙尼亚,立陶宛,拉脱维亚,波兰,俄罗斯,乌克兰),从而在该次区域以更合作,更协调的方式解决该疾病。欧盟委员会,世界动物卫生组织和粮农组织完成了SGE成员名单。在启动会议(2014年9月,伯尔尼)上商定了该倡议的作案手法,各国承诺通过充分遵守其对世界动物卫生组织的通知义务以及共享有关监测,预防和控制的数据和信息,表现出更大的透明度措施。欧洲委员会是该倡议的主要贡献者。但是,世界动物卫生组织和主办SGE会议的国家也在一定程度上提供了支持。



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