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Astaxanthin plus berberine: a nutraceutical strategy for replicating the benefits of a metformin/fibrate regimen in metabolic syndrome




The phytochemical berberine, a constituentof certain herbs used in traditional Chinesemedicine, has long been in use in Chinaas a well-documented therapy for type 2diabetes.1 2 Mechanistic studies demonstratesthat, like metformin, it activates AMP-activatedkinase (AMPK); this is thought to bethe chief basis of its utility in diabetes.3–5 Thetypical therapeutic regimen is 500 mg two orthree times per day, or 850 mg two times perday. The most common side effect is constipation,which tends to remit during continuingtreatment.6 Unlike metformin, however,berberine upregulates the hepatic expressionof LDL receptors, through a mechanism thatis complementary to that of statins or redyeast rice (RYR); whereas statins increase transcriptionof the gene coding for LDL receptors,berberine increases the half-life of LDLreceptor mRNA.7 Hence, the combination ofberberine plus RYR—a natural low-potencysource of monacolin K (lovastatin) and othermonacolins that has moderate hypocholesterolaemicactivity in a standardised dose thatis well tolerated in most patients who don’ttolerate pharmaceutical statins8–10—has beenrecommended as a nutraceutical alternativeto pharmaceuticals in the management ofhypercholesterolaemia.
机译:植物化学小ber碱是传统中药中某些草药的成分,长期以来一直在中国用作2型糖尿病的有据可查的治疗方法。12机理研究表明,与二甲双胍一样,它能激活AMP激活的激酶(AMPK)。 3–5典型的治疗方案是每天两次两次500毫克或每天两次850毫克。最常见的副作用是便秘,在继续治疗期间便秘易于缓解。6然而,与二甲双胍不同,小ber碱通过与他汀或大米(RYR)互补的机制上调LDL受体的肝脏表达。而他汀类药物增加LDL受体编码基因的转录,小ber碱增加LDL受体mRNA的半衰期。7因此,小ber碱加RYR(莫纳可林K(洛伐他汀)和其他莫纳可林的天然低效来源)的组合具有标准化的中度降胆固醇作用在大多数未使用他汀类药物他汀类药物8-10的患者中,耐受性良好的剂量已被建议作为治疗高胆固醇血症药物的营养替代品。



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