首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia >Transtriquetral perihamate fracture-dislocation: case report

Transtriquetral perihamate fracture-dislocation: case report




The wrist is a region that is very vulnerable to injuries of the extremities. Among these injuries, fractures of the pyramidal bone (or triquetrum) in association with dislocation of the hamate and carpal instability are uncommon. They are generally correlated with high-energy trauma and may be associated with neurovascular deficits, muscle-tendon disorders, skin lesions or injuries to other carpal bones. Thus, in this report, one of these rare cases of transtriquetral perihamate fracture-dislocation with carpal instability is presented, diagnosed by means of radiography on the right wrist of the patient who presented pain, edema and limitation of flexion-extension of the carpus after trauma to the region. The stages of attending to the case are described, from the initial consultation to the surgical treatment and physiotherapy, which culminated in restoration of the strength and range of motion of the wrist.



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