首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia >Bupivacaína a 0,15% hipobárica para raquianestesia posterior (dorsal) versus bupivacaína a 0,5% hiperbárica para procedimentos cirúrgicos anorretais em regime ambulatorial

Bupivacaína a 0,15% hipobárica para raquianestesia posterior (dorsal) versus bupivacaína a 0,5% hiperbárica para procedimentos cirúrgicos anorretais em regime ambulatorial




BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to study low dose hypobaric 0.15% bupivacaine and hyperbaric 0.5% bupivacaine in outpatient anorectal surgical procedures. METHODS: Two groups of 50 patients, physical status ASA I and II, undergoing anorectal surgical procedures in a jackknife position, received 6 mg of hypobaric 0.15% bupivacaine in the surgical position (Group 1) or 6 mg of hyperbaric 0.5% bupivacaine in the sitting position for 5 minutes, after which they were placed in a jackknife position (Group 2). Sensitive and motor blockade, time of first urination, ambulation, complications, and the need for analgesics were evaluated. Patients were followed until the third postoperative day and questioned whether they experienced post-puncture headache or temporary neurological symptoms, and until the 30th day and questioned about permanent neurological complications. The test t Student, Mood's median, and Fisher Exact test were used for statistical analysis, and a p < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Every patient in Group 1 presented selective blockade of the posterior sacral nerve roots, while patients in Group 2 experienced blockade of the anterior and posterior nerve roots. Blockade was significantly higher in Group 1. Motor blockade was significantly less severe in Group 1. Forty-nine patients in Group 1 transferred to the stretcher unassisted while only 40 patients in Group 2 were able to do so. Recovery in Group 1 occurred in 105 ± 25 minutes and in 95 ± 15 minutes in Group 2, and this difference was not statistically significant. There were no hemodynamic changes, nausea or vomiting, urine retention, or post-puncture headache. CONCLUSIONS: Anorectal surgical procedures under spinal block with low dose bupivacaine, hyperbaric or hypobaric, can be safely done.
机译:背景与目的:本研究的目的是在门诊肛肠手术中研究低剂量低氧0.15%布比卡因和高压0.5%布比卡因。方法:两组50例身体状况为ASA I和II的患者,在jack刀位置接受肛肠外科手术,在手术位置(第1组)接受6 mg低压0.15%布比卡因治疗(第1组),在手术位置接受6 mg高压0.5%布比卡因治疗。坐姿5分钟,然后将它们置于折刀位置(第2组)。评估了敏感和运动阻滞,初次排尿时间,下床活动,并发症以及是否需要镇痛药。随访患者直到术后第三天,询问他们是否经历了穿刺后头痛或暂时性神经系统症状,直到30天,并询问永久性神经系统并发症。检验t学生,情绪中位数和Fisher精确检验用于统计分析,p <0.05被认为是显着的。结果:第1组的每位患者均表现出对block神经后根的选择性阻滞,而第2组的患者则经历了前,后神经根的阻滞。第1组的阻塞显着较高。第1组的运动阻塞严重程度较轻。第1组的49位患者在无助的情况下转移到担架上,而第2组中只有40位患者能够这样做。第1组的恢复发生在105±25分钟内,而第2组的恢复在95±15分钟内发生,差异无统计学意义。没有血流动力学变化,恶心或呕吐,尿retention留或穿刺后头痛。结论:可以安全,安全地进行低剂量布比卡因,小剂量布比卡因的脊柱阻滞的肛肠外科手术。



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