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The Politics of Dead Bodies in John Ruganda’s The Floods

机译:约翰·卢甘达(John Ruganda)的尸体政治



Violence is a characteristic of most totalitarian states. It is more often deployed as a strategy to either deal with real or imagined enemies of the state or as a way of ruling the populace. While forms of violence range from physical, verbal to psychological, there is an extended dimension that deals with the brutality of dead bodies. This article seeks to examine the paradoxes and the symbolic meanings attached to the differential disposal of dead bodies of common men on the one hand and of distinguished persons on the other in John Ruganda’s play The Floods. Through the dehumanization of dead bodies of common men killed by the agents of the state and the glorification of the death of distinguished persons, the totalitarian state is represented as having a strong hold over both living and dead bodies.
机译:暴力是大多数极权国家的特征。它更常被部署为与国家的真实或想象的敌人打交道的策略,或作为统治民众的一种方式。暴力形式从身体,言语到心理,一应俱全,但涉及死者残暴的范围却更大。本文旨在研究约翰·卢甘达(John Ruganda)的戏剧《洪水》中一方面常见的人的尸体和杰出人士的尸体的差别处置所带来的悖论和象征意义。通过对被国家特工杀害的普通百姓的尸体进行非人性化和荣耀尊贵人士的死亡的荣耀,极权主义国家在活体和尸体上都拥有强大的控制力。



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