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A Review of William Alston’s A Realist Conception of Truth




A Realist Conception of Truth has been generally praised as a serious and insightful work on epistemology. This William P. Alston’s text is directed at those who are concerned with epistemological studies, those interested in how to contemplate on truth, and those epistemologists seeking for justification of beliefs, statements, sentences and propositions. In this text, the problem of truth receives a critical exploration in Alston’s polemic of realism. Alston’s goal is to defend a version of realism. Ultimately, he argues that the most defensible version of realist theories is alethic realism, which suggests simply that, “A statement is true if and only if what the statement is about is as the statement says it is. Alternatively in terms of propositions, the conception is such that the schema ‘it is true that p if and only if p yields a (necessary, conceptually, analytically) true statement for any substitution instance” (Alston, 1997: 1). As a matter of fact, the author’s view is a cross reference to the issue of truth discussed from the days of Socrates to Edmund Gettier; then to our time.
机译:现实主义真理观被普遍认为是对认识论的认真而有见地的著作。威廉·P·阿尔斯顿(William P. Alston)的文章针对的是那些与认识论研究有关,对如何思考真理感兴趣的人以及那些寻求为信念,陈述,句子和命题辩护的认识论者。在本文中,真理问题在阿尔斯通的现实主义辩论中得到了批判性的探索。 Alston的目标是捍卫一种现实主义。最终,他认为现实主义理论的最可辩驳的说法是伦理现实主义,它简单地表明:“当且仅当陈述涉及的是陈述时,陈述才是正确的。在命题方面,概念是这样的:“当且仅当p对任何替换实例产生(必要的,在概念上,分析上的)真实陈述时,p才是正确的”(Alston,1997:1)。实际上,作者的观点是对从苏格拉底时代到埃德蒙·盖蒂尔时代讨论的真理问题的交叉引用。然后到我们的时代。



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