首页> 外文期刊>Research on Humanities and Social Sciences >Influence of Social Media Usage on Self-Image and Academic Performance among Senior Secondary School Students in Ilorin-West Local Government, Kwara State

Influence of Social Media Usage on Self-Image and Academic Performance among Senior Secondary School Students in Ilorin-West Local Government, Kwara State




This study was designed to find out the influence of social media usage on self-image and academic performance among senior secondary school students in Ilorin-West Local Government, Kwara State. The study used ex-post factor design. Purposive and simple random samplings were used to select the sample. Four senior secondary schools with a total population of 1,660 and a sample size of 310 students were drawn and used for the study. Two questionnaires were used for the study: Social Media, Self-Image Questionnaire [SMSQ] and English Language and Mathematics Test [EMT]. Three research hypotheses were raised and tested. Pearson r and t-test, tools were used for the statistical analysis. The result shows that there is positive correlation between social media usage and self-image. The finding shows there is no correlation between social media usage and academic performance. The result also shows significant difference between male and female in social media usage. Recommendations were that: Students should be conscious of the time they spend on social media sites in order to have more time for their classroom activities and homework. Teachers should encourage the students to expend some meaningful hours on social media sites so as to make friends that would help increase their self-image. Keywords: social media, self-image and academic performance
机译:本研究旨在发现社交媒体使用对Kwara州Ilorin-West当地政府高中生自我形象和学业成绩的影响。该研究采用事后因素设计。目的性和简单随机抽样用于选择样本。绘制了四所总人口为1,660名,样本量为310名学生的高中,并将其用于研究。该研究使用了两个调查问卷:社交媒体,自我形象调查表[SMSQ]和英语语言与数学测验[EMT]。提出并检验了三个研究假设。使用Pearson r和t检验工具进行统计分析。结果表明,社交媒体使用与自我形象成正相关。调查结果表明,社交媒体使用与学习成绩之间没有关联。结果还显示,男性和女性在社交媒体使用方面存在显着差异。建议:•学生应注意在社交媒体网站上花费的时间,以便有更多时间进行课堂活动和家庭作业。教师应鼓励学生在社交媒体网站上花费一些有意义的时间,以结交有助于提高自身形象的朋友。关键字:社交媒体,自我形象和学习成绩



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