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Managing lifelong learning records through blockchain




It is a common practice to issue a summary of a learner’s learning achievements in form of a transcript or certificate. However, detailed information on the depth of learning and how learning or teachings were conducted is not present in the transcript of scores. This work presents the first practical implementation of a new platform for keeping track of learning achievements beyond transcripts and certificates. This is achieved by maintaining digital hashes of learning activities and managing access rights through the use of smart contracts on the blockchain. The blockchain of learning logs (BOLL) is a platform that enable learners to move their learning records from one institution to another in a secure and verifiable format. This primarily solves the cold-start problem faced by learning data analytic platforms when trying to offer personalized experience to new learners. BOLL enables existing learning data analytic platforms to access the learning logs from other institutions with the permission of the learners and/or institution who originally have ownership of the logs. The main contribution of this paper is to investigate how learning records could be connected across institutions using BOLL. We present an overview of how the implementation has been carried out, discuss resource requirements, and compare the advantages BOLL has over other similar tools.
机译:通常,以成绩单或证书的形式发布学习者的学习成绩摘要。但是,成绩单中未提供有关学习深度以及学习或教学方式的详细信息。这项工作提出了一个新平台的第一个实际实施方案,用于跟踪成绩单和证书以外的学习成果。这是通过维护学习活动的数字哈希并通过在区块链上使用智能合约来管理访问权限来实现的。学习日志的区块链(BOLL)是一个平台,使学习者能够以安全且可验证的格式将其学习记录从一个机构转移到另一个机构。这主要解决了在尝试向新学习者提供个性化体验时学习数据分析平台所面临的冷启动问题。 BOLL使现有的学习数据分析平台能够在最初拥有日志所有权的学习者和/或机构的许可下,从其他机构访问学习日志。本文的主要贡献是研究如何使用BOLL在机构之间建立学习记录的联系。我们将概述实现的实施方式,讨论资源需求,并比较BOLL与其他类似工具相比的优势。



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