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Trust at Work: A Study on Faith and Trust of Protestant Entrepreneurs in China




There is much talk about the trust crisis in China and the possible role of religion in rebuilding China’s moral order. This study is an attempt to examine religion’s impact on the emerging market economy in China, focusing on trust in business relations that might be generated by the Christian faith. Based on 43 in-depth interviews with Christian entrepreneurs in China, our study shows that the majority of our respondents tend to be: (1) more willing to be trustworthy after becoming Christians; (2) trusting people who share their faith more than others; (3) perceiving religious persons, regardless of what that religion is, as more trustworthy than the non-religious. Our study shows that religiosity is used by many Christian entrepreneurs as a category to guide their decision-making and that it is significant in stimulating and maintaining trust in and from others.
机译:关于中国的信任危机以及宗教在重建中国的道德秩序中可能发挥的作用,有很多讨论。这项研究旨在检验宗教对中国新兴市场经济的影响,重点是对基督教信仰可能产生的商业关系的信任。根据对中国基督徒企业家的43次深度访谈,我们的研究表明,大多数受访者倾向于:(1)成为基督徒后更愿意守信; (2)信任比其他人分享自己信仰的人; (3)认为宗教人士,无论该宗教是什么,都比非宗教人士更值得信赖。我们的研究表明,宗教信仰被许多基督教企业家用作指导其决策的一个类别,并且在激发和维持彼此之间的信任方面具有重要意义。



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