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Introducing Cardinal Cardijn’s See–Judge–Act as an Interdisciplinary Method to Move Theory into Practice




Interdisciplinary dialogues find researchers seeking better understandings of theories and concepts, such colonialism and capitalism, and the means through which these concepts impact both local and global cultures. The results of explorations such as these raise the question of how to translate the theories that are created by these dialogues into practice. Moreover, they ask where we can take these conversations, how can we focus them toward specific aims, and how can we effectively enact them as one collective group. This article introduces and proposes Joseph Cardinal Cardijn’s See–Judge–Act method as a possible framework to better enable these discussions to move from theory to praxis. It proposes that such a theory may also allow the theoretical portions of these interdisciplinary dialogues to happen without any discipline ceding or ‘shaving away’ the core principles that respectively identify each discipline. The article begins by exploring Cardinal Cardijn’s original articulation of the method. Then, it describes how the liberation theologians Leonardo Boff and Clodovis Boff employed the method in their development of a theological framework. Finally, this article explores how the See–Judge–Act method might be useful for other disciplines, such as African thought and philosophy, and critical theory.
机译:跨学科对话发现研究人员寻求对理论和概念(例如殖民主义和资本主义)以及这些概念影响本地和全球文化的方式的更好理解。诸如此类的探索结果提出了一个问题,即如何将这些对话所产生的理论转化为实践。此外,他们问我们在哪里可以进行这些对话,如何将它们聚焦于特定的目标,以及如何有效地将它们作为一个集体来实现。本文介绍并提出了约瑟夫·卡迪纳尔·卡丹(Joseph Cardinal Cardijn)的“看一看法官”法作为一种可能的框架,以更好地使这些讨论从理论转向实践。它提出,这样一种理论也可以允许这些跨学科对话的理论部分发生而无需任何学科割让或“舍弃”分别确定各学科的核心原理。本文首先探讨Cardijn主教对这种方法的原始阐述。然后,它描述了解放神学家莱昂纳多·博夫(Leonardo Boff)和克洛多维斯·博夫(Clodovis Boff)如何在他们的神学框架发展中采用这种方法。最后,本文探讨了“见法官法”对其他学科如何有用,例如非洲思想和哲学以及批判理论。



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