首页> 外文期刊>Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift >Frihet fra lidelse, individuell selvbestemmelsesrett og d?den som kunstverk

Frihet fra lidelse, individuell selvbestemmelsesrett og d?den som kunstverk




Over the last century, death in western societies has undergone a process of medicalization. Critics claim that this has rendered death unnatural and devoid of meaning. Assisted dying, legal today in a handful of countries, is often portrayed as the natural next step for secular societies, and a common argument is to appeal to the individual’s dignity and autonomy. Suffering appears meaningless. In the rhetoric surrounding assisted dying, it comes across as the ethically sound alternative to an otherwise meaningless process of dying within the medical machinery. I aim to argue, however, that assisted dying is about a particular way of conceiving of death, and a wish for a particular type of dying, as well as a possible rediscovery of an ars moriendi in a secular, biomedicalized vein. Assisted dying is portrayed as the epitome of autonomy, yet it rests on a bureaucratic, institutionalized healthcare system, where the autonomous decision-making happens by way of administrative steps. In this sense, medicalization is continued and even broadened. New rituals and meanings occur in the wake of assisted dying, and to study both its rhetoric and practices has the potential to provide us with insights into central cultural values and ideals.
机译:上个世纪,西方社会的死亡经历了医学化的过程。批评者声称,这使死亡变得不自然,毫无意义。如今,在少数几个国家/地区,合法的辅助染死通常被描述为世俗社会的自然下一步,而且普遍的论点是呼吁个人的尊严和自治。痛苦似乎毫无意义。在围绕辅助染色的辞藻中,它在伦理上是合理的选择,可以替代医疗机器中原本毫无意义的染色过程。但是,我打算争论说,辅助性死亡是关于死亡的一种特殊方式,是关于一种特定类型的死亡的希望,以及在世俗的,生物医学化的静脉中可能会重新发现ars moriendi。辅助染色被描述为自治的缩影,但它建立在官僚化,制度化的医疗体系上,在该体系中,自主决策是通过行政步骤进行的。从这个意义上说,医疗化正在持续甚至扩大。新的仪式和意义在辅助的死亡之后出现,研究其修辞和实践有可能为我们提供对中心文化价值和理想的见识。



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